Development and purpose of blockchain

By | Thursday, April 8, 2021


  • Development And Purpose Of The Blockchain
  • The impact of blockchain technology on education
  • Blockchain Technology's Three Generations
  • Associated Data
  • Development And Purpose Of The Blockchain

    Student records are endless, and with blockchain technology, assets like attendance, courses, payments toward tuition if they attend a private school, grades, coursework, and even their diploma can become part of their personal blockchain record. Since these records cannot be deleted, this helps with data security in that it is immutable. It also belongs to the student, rather than to the school.

    With blockchain, no participant can tamper with a record after it has been saved. If a record has an error, a new record must be added to correct it, and both the incorrect and correct records will remain visible.

    Today, many state educational institutions are in the planning process for implementing blockchain-based tools, and if you work with schools, being aware of this will help position you as knowledgeable of this change, and perhaps you can provide solutions to help. Are you in the business of creating open source software? Blockchain uses open source software — which is a type of computer software whose source code is released under a license, in which the copyright holder grants users the rights to study, change, and distribute the software to anyone and for any purpose St.

    Laurent, Plagued for decades by low productivity gains due to siloed, complex supply chains, the construction industry is fertile ground for blockchain experimentation. He showcased how blockchain could be used to help manage a large Western European railway construction project, bringing together the design company, along with steel suppliers and other numerous sub-contractors. For example, with a permanent record of the materials used in any building, companies could potentially reuse and not destroy them, reducing their carbon footprint.

    He added that blockchain could reduce late payments — the bane of small and midsize businesses that make up the bulk of the construction industry. Bennett saw China moving ahead fastest, having made blockchain an integral part of its national infrastructure initiative. We do know that corporate purpose and trust are not feel-good, squishy ideals. The optimist in me likes to think the collective clamor for trust will grow, and a better future will happen faster than we dare hope.

    The adherence of the research entities to these regulations n acquisition, conservation, utilization and data sharing of microbial resources currently cannot be properly audited. However, monitoring the deviation from these national regulations is currently challenging and not properly possible. By employing the blockchain approach, due to their intrinsic trait of immutability, adhering to these regulations can be monitored by the authorities with a higher accuracy.

    This demands the approval of more than half of participants that inevitably make any changes to each particular block automatically by kind of verification process. Although, this inevitable authentication process will bring along the integrity, clarity, and creditability in the data deposition. Additionally, the possibility of data breach when needed is estimated to rather zero in case of applying a blockchain approach.

    Another concern is that although blockchain technology seems to be an emerging novel type of database curation in all disciplines as well as Microbiology, decentralized blockchain technology delete the necessity of trusted intermediaries for data exchange of the strains. The third main concern is that the distribution of the strains or data by blockchain systems may not comply with international conventions and regulations like Nagoya Protocol.

    The entities that are involved in data sharing will not have to follow the classic way of hierarchical permission bureaucracies and is in a manner of consensus-driven that, in some cases, may violate the national or international regulations. Some other limitation of recruiting blockchain-based database management is privacy concerns, off-chain transactions, loss of discretion and arbitration challenges and distrust of the technology due to lack of adoption [ 12 ].

    Some other constraints of applying the blockchain format database building for microbial data can be summarized as:. Although blockchain emerged as a kind of Fintech, it is penetrating many other fields to deliver a similar service to what it has in the financial transaction system. Here we discussed the data curation practices in BRCs or CCs that can be subjected to blockchain-based architecture. The labor of data entry can be mitigated by cooperative data insertion from different users.

    The origin of the inserted information will be clear and recognizable. At the same time, the direct in situ deposition of the strain data act as repositories for the protection of intellectual property.

    As the accuracy of all the predictions based on machine learning algorithms depends on the size of the microbial database [ 13 ], attaining a more comprehensive database will lead to a more precise computational analysis of the microbial debases using machine learning tools. In the case of the incentivization of key stakeholders such as WFCC and ECCO, these tools can be developed to initiate the decentralized and synchronized type of data sharing.

    The massive burden of data entry and curation of the culture collections can turn into a lighter task for these service centers if the blockchain-based microbial database comes into existence. Furthermore, since the billions of the investment required for strain exploitation, phenotypic, and genotypic analysis, letting the data integration from distributed blocks dramatically can decrease the cost of adding value to the strain data repositories.

    Nonetheless, unique policies need to be decided based on a consensus of the majorities, to legislate the formation of such scalable specified databases for the strain characteristics. Some guidelines for maintaining the biosecurity is formally announced for the BRCs [ 14 ], however still not sufficiently applicable in all culture collections.

    With the advance of synthetic biology and the availability of whole genomes data, there has been increasing concern on open access to such sequences in the microbial or genomic databases. By using a database constructed based on the blockchain algorithms, the access and users of pathogenic microorganisms data can be identified. Additionally, in the case of emerging new pathogenic strains or viruses, its associated data can be shared globally without national restrictions through recording in the blocks by individual scientists early enough to diminish the rate of dissemination and morbidities such as what happened in the recent COVID pandemic.

    The reliability and real-time update of the data are an essential part of the future advance in all parts of science and technology. As there has been introducing some prototype tools designed based on the blockchain technology for medical data sharing, we expect some data-sharing tools to be developed between culture collections across the world based on the blockchain concept.

    Using the decentralized validation of the strains exchanges, such functions can be accelerated and also be traced flawlessly in case of any illegal exchange. This type of data sharing can dramatically increase the amount of associated data for each stain and overall increase the transparency of the strain movement in the academy and industry.

    Following the implementation of blockchain technology for constructing the microorganism database and emerging some prototype, some real constraints and privileges of this type of database for the microbiology field building will be revealed in practice. FM: content and writing; HS: correction and edition. Both authors have read and approved the manuscript. Springer Nature remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional claims in published maps and institutional affiliations.

    Fatemeh Mohammadipanah, Email: ri. Hedieh Sajedi, Email: ri. Read article at publisher's site DOI : To arrive at the top five similar articles we use a word-weighted algorithm to compare words from the Title and Abstract of each citation.

    Hylock RH , Zeng X. J Med Internet Res , 21 8 :e, 31 Aug J Med Syst , 43 10 , 14 Sep Cited by: 6 articles PMID: Oncology , 98 6 , 03 Dec Cited by: 1 article PMID: Healthcare Basel , 8 3 , 29 Jul J Med Syst , 44 2 , 08 Jan Cited by: 2 articles PMID: Coronavirus: Find the latest articles and preprints. Europe PMC requires Javascript to function effectively.

    Recent Activity. Recent history Saved searches. Mohammadipanah F 1 ,. Sajedi H 2. Affiliations 1 author 1. Share this article Share with email Share with twitter Share with linkedin Share with facebook. Free full text. Biol Proced Online.

    Published online Feb 1. PMID: Fatemeh Mohammadipanah 1 and Hedieh Sajedi 2. Author information Article notes Copyright and License information Disclaimer. Corresponding author. Received Oct 15; Accepted Dec 3. The images or other third party material in this article are included in the article's Creative Commons licence, unless indicated otherwise in a credit line to the material.

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    Go to:. Abstract Approaches developed based on the blockchain concept can provides a framework for the realization of open science. Graphical Abstract. Open in a separate window.

    Keywords: Microbial databases, Blockchain technology, Bacterial supply chain, Culture collections, Global data exchange, Biobanking. The Mathematical Concept of Blockchain Blockchain is a database with the capability of duplicating, sharing, and synchronizing data distributed through different physical places i.

    Consensus Algorithms The consensus layer is one of the essential layers in any blockchain-based system. Table 1 Blockchain Technology. Models of Security Assurance and Legitimacy Issues Blockchain technology combines concepts such as peer-to-peer protocols, hashing algorithms, primary encryption, public-key encryption, and consensus algorithms.

    Current Non-financial Applications of Blockchain Technology The blockchain technology applied for the cryptocurrency is now being extended to other non-financial fields of technologies. Overall evolutionary trend of applying the blockchain technology in science. Decentralized Network Decentralization can remove the large flows of traffic to one node i. Auditability In blockchains, the entry, retrieval, and exchanges of data are validated and recorded by a timestamp.

    Transparency All the transactions in public databases are transparent and tractable. Veracity Blockchain ensures the accuracy of the stored records because the same version of the historical ledger records is replicated and stored in the network nodes.

    Scalability Scalability is the ability to afford accommodation for the volume of work and provide storage space by increasing the number of strains or objects. Potential of Blockchain in Management of Microbial Databases All pure and applied microbiology research area is impacted by the genetic and phenotype stability of the microorganisms being used as in the experiments either as the object of the study or the reference strains.

    Table 2 Current most comprehensive microbial phenotypic databases. Global Catalogue of Microorganisms GCM : an information-sharing system between culture collections providing the data sharing possibility between the collections and presents a uniform interface for the users World Data Center for microorganisms WDCM : a data center for networking the microbial resource center and an information database for the strain customers Bacterial Diversity Metadatabase BacDive : contains data on the morphology, physiology, taxonomy, cultivation, isolation, and genomic data of 63, bacterial, including 12, type strains Culture Collection Information Worldwide CCINFO : a database consists of a list of strains from registered culture collections of 78 countries.

    The Infrastructure of a Blockchain-Based Microbial Database Microbial databases can leverage blockchain capabilities to achieve integrity, and non-repudiation which are essential for the microbial reference databases. Metadata of Strain Isolation Modifications in original data inserted by the institute managing the database are prohibited in all current databases of microorganisms.

    Project Data Management Among all, project data management will ultimately be affected sooner or more extensively by blockchain technology. Security Among the core features of the culture collections is having a mechanism to secure their assets, the physical security of holdings, and the privacy of the associated data of the strains.

    Development and purpose of blockchain

    Not only blockchain will serve as transparent record storage, but an entire platform for sharing and communication. Universities and colleges want to be sure that students have a successful experience during their education. Relationships between students and professors are crucial: when learners get enough advice and personal guidance, they can study without paying someone to do the assignment. What is more, the blockchain-based platform allows departments to post information about important events and lectures.

    As such, this ensures long-term and efficient relationships between alumni and faculty. The potential barriers can be easily reduced this way. Plagiarism is a severe problem in the academic world. Blockchain systems can be used to control the dispersal of copyrighted material across the Internet.

    The primary function of the technology is the secure storage of the information recorded in a chain. As such, data within the chain cannot be altered manually since the advanced encryption measures protect it. This will make the academic materials accessible but secure and unchangeable. Every usage of content is recorded into the chain, and the owner can easily control the access. The utilization can be tracked online and ownership is easily proved. One of the best applications of blockchain in education is development and learning platforms.

    The colleges and schools can use the same principle to create internal ecosystems and allow learners to get access to study materials and share their projects and ideas.

    The internal tokens can be used to download books, request materials, and ask for feedback. These tokens are earned when users make contributions, invite new participants, and watch videos. Content creators receive rewards for their activity, and when people interact with their content, they get new tokens. As such, the more you learn and practice, the more materials you get to continue learning. Such a level of interaction can bring obvious benefits to the education system as a whole.

    It is also crucial to maintain a pipeline of quality code. The right way to check this is to use an automated process. The source code can be managed using tools like Bitbucket and Github. Such tools also contribute to the blockchain app development cost. Since blockchain technology is still new to the market and new platforms are coming to the market every day, the apps can be switched to different platforms depending on its scalability, flexibility and confidentiality.

    Also, new OS updates are released by Apple, Google and various blockchain platforms every year. The complexity of a blockchain project is defined by a number of factors.

    To understand the type of blockchain app you require, you should know the purpose of your app, problems end-users are facing, need of blockchain solution, how your app will bring transformation and what are the existing solutions. How many resources do you require to build an app? The cost of hiring a team for app development is a significant contribution to the estimated cost. Salaries of software developers are the primary expense; however, there are other important factors including benefits, vacations, incentive compensation, payroll taxes and holidays.

    There are many ways to get a blockchain app built and each will cost differently with some benefits and limitations. Initially, maintaining a team of in-house blockchain developers seems to be troubled with only monetary issues.

    But, when you think deeper, you will get to know about a plethora of issues. Though you will have a dedicated team, you will be their first priority in the case of some emergency. Since blockchain is still in its infancy stage, there is a scarcity of experienced blockchain developers in the market. Working with a blockchain developer could be expensive for the businesses as compared to hiring a blockchain development company. If you are a software development company , you should work with an in-house team of developers.

    You can hire a freelancer if your project is small as the risk factor increases when the project scope grows. Any agency specialized in the blockchain app development can be a viable option.

    Agencies serve as a full-time development service provider and are experienced in the best app development practices like DevOps and Agile. As compared to an in-house development team, the cost of blockchain app development offered by agencies is lower.

    They sign-off a contract before they start working on your project that includes deliverables with specific timelines. So, you can rely on them and focus more on your core business competencies. Since the blockchain technology is emerging at a rapid pace, customers are migrating their existing solutions to a blockchain solution. Building a blockchain app can be very expensive if you develop it with an internal team.

    All information will be kept confidential. Looking to create a Stellar Wallet? Blockchain is a newer innovation in computer science, that has world-wide scale and reach, as well as interdisciplinary applications.

    It is destined to disrupt the global economy in the foreseeable future. In this community, each member maintains his or her own copy of the information. The information could be representative of transactions a currency or other unit , contracts agreements to move assets, funds, or information , or virtually anything else that can be put into a digital form. Blockchain is an emerging technology, with countless capabilities to affect every part of our lives, and the way we conduct transactions or keep records.

    Analysts see the potential for this technology to disrupt traditional methods of transaction, and data collection services, since blockchains are distributed, decentralized, and permanent pieces of information.

    Student records are endless, and with blockchain technology, assets like attendance, courses, payments toward tuition if they attend a private school, grades, coursework, and even their diploma can become part of their personal blockchain record.

    Since these records cannot be deleted, this helps with data security in that it is immutable. It also belongs to the student, rather than to the school.

    The impact of blockchain technology on education

    While formulating ideas, you also have to make decisions related to the front-end programming language, external database, and servers for your application. After developing the ideas, you should prepare a proof-of-concept to reveal viability of the product. A proof-of-concept is a way to demonstrate the practical potential of a blockchain project and it can either be a theoretical build-up or a prototype.

    Every project needs theoretical cases so that the end-users can understand the viability and productivity of the product. Create proposals to explain the parameters of the project. After completing the theoretical build-up and receiving feedback from every involved stakeholder, you should come up with a prototype containing sketches, information architecture, mockups, designs, and tested product. Once the stakeholders approve the PoC, start focusing on preparing the visual and technical designs for the application.

    Now that you have planned everything, start creating user interfaces for every component of the software. Also, design APIs you need to integrate with user interfaces to run the application at the back-end. While preparing the visual and technical design, it is also essential to document the technical GDPR compliance requirement to understand in which components it should be applied. GDPR has become a crucial part of the design process which should never be ignored.

    After designing the user-interfaces and admin console for the application, you are ready for the development process. Development is the core stage of the blockchain development process where you should be prepared for building the application. In this particular stage, you are required to build APIs for distinct use cases of the application. But do you know why do we need APIs?

    The application is developed under different phases. First of all, the application developed that does not undergo formal testing is said to be in pre-alpha phase. Then, the application jumps to the next stage, i. After the alpha release of an application, it is prepared for the beta release. During Beta Phase, the software contains the complete feature set, but it might have unknown bugs. Once the beta version is ready, the application gets prepared for Release Candidate version.

    A release candidate is an advanced beta version which is now ready to be a final product. When the application is tested thoroughly, it is moved to the production phase to get ready to be delivered.

    Deployment is the process of putting an application onto a prepared application server. Before an app goes live, it should be deployed on the test network to test its functionalities.

    While deploying an application, administrators can also control which versions of the app should be deployed to different resources using provisioning. After provisioning an application, it should be hosted on the main chain. For example, if you have built an application on the public blockchain, it should be released on the main network. If your application has both off-chain and on-chain business entities, i.

    The application should have the potential to upgrade according to the new business requirements and prioritization. For example, if you have to upgrade the smart contract, later on, you should be able to deploy the new contracts seamlessly. Design and develop the application in a way that adding or upgrading components does not affect the existing application.

    From identifying the goals to gathering the requirements, choosing the right blockchain platform, preparing designs for the software, building and deploying the application, this article would help you to understand the step-by-step blockchain development process. Necessary cookies are absolutely essential for the website to function properly.

    This category only includes cookies that ensures basic functionalities and security features of the website. These cookies do not store any personal information. Any cookies that may not be particularly necessary for the website to function and is used specifically to collect user personal data via analytics, ads, other embedded contents are termed as non-necessary cookies. It is mandatory to procure user consent prior to running these cookies on your website.

    Talk to our Consultant. Transfer ALL the money to the author, not just meager royalties. You could do this on a book review website like Goodreads, or on your own website. The marketplace Amazon is then unnecessary. Successful iterations could even include reviews and other third-party information about the book. In the financial world the applications are more obvious and the revolutionary changes more imminent.

    Blockchains will change the way stock exchanges work, loans are bundled, and insurances contracted. They will eliminate bank accounts and practically all services offered by banks. Almost every financial institution will go bankrupt or be forced to change fundamentally, once the advantages of a safe ledger technology without transaction fees are widely understood and implemented. After all, the financial system is built on taking a small cut of your money for the privilege of facilitating a transaction.

    Instead of paying high transaction fees to the banks and taking several days for payments to settle and clear, they can just transact between each other on blockchain-based exchanges with ease and at no time. Bankers will become mere advisers, not gatekeepers of money. Picture a spreadsheet that is duplicated thousands of times across a network of computers.

    Then imagine that this network is designed to regularly update this spreadsheet and you have a basic understanding of the blockchain. Information held on a blockchain exists as a shared — and continually reconciled — database. This is a way of using the network that has obvious benefits. No centralized version of this information exists for a hacker to corrupt.

    Hosted by millions of computers simultaneously, its data is accessible to anyone on the internet. To go in deeper with the Google spreadsheet analogy, I would like you to read this piece from a blockchain specialist. The problem with that scenario is that you need to wait until receiving a return copy before you can see or make other changes because you are locked out of editing it until the other person is done with it. With Google Docs or Google Sheets , both parties have access to the same document at the same time, and the single version of that document is always visible to both of them.

    It is like a shared ledger, but it is a shared document. The distributed part comes into play when sharing involves a number of people. Imagine the number of legal documents that should be used that way. So many types of legal contracts would be ideal for that kind of workflow. The three main properties of Blockchain Technology which have helped it gain widespread acclaim are as follows:.

    Before Bitcoin and BitTorrent came along, we were more used to centralized services. The idea is very simple. Another example of a centralized system is the banks. They store all your money, and the only way that you can pay someone is by going through the bank.

    When you google search for something, you send a query to the server who then gets back at you with the relevant information. That is a simple client-server. Now, centralized systems have treated us well for many years, however, they have several vulnerabilities.

    In a decentralized system, the information is not stored by one single entity. In fact, everyone in the network owns the information. In a decentralized network, if you wanted to interact with your friend then you can do so directly without going through a third party. That was the main ideology behind Bitcoins. You and only you alone are in charge of your money. You can send your money to anyone you want without having to go through a bank.

    Why do you think that happens? The following snapshot of Ethereum transactions will show you what we mean:. This level of transparency has never existed before within a financial system. It adds that extra, and much needed, level of accountability which is required by some of these biggest institutions.

    Speaking purely from the point of view of cryptocurrency , if you know the public address of one of these big companies, you can simply pop it in an explorer and look at all the transactions that they have engaged in. This forces them to be honest, something that they have never had to deal with before.

    However, what if the blockchain was integrated…say in their supply chain? Immutability, in the context of the blockchain, means that once something has been entered into the blockchain, it cannot be tampered with. The reason why the blockchain gets this property is that of the cryptographic hash function. In simple terms, hashing means taking an input string of any length and giving out an output of a fixed length.

    In the context of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, the transactions are taken as input and run through a hashing algorithm Bitcoin uses SHA which gives an output of a fixed length.

    We are going to put in certain inputs. As you can see, in the case of SHA, no matter how big or small your input is, the output will always have a fixed bits length. This becomes critical when you are dealing with a huge amount of data and transactions.

    So basically, instead of remembering the input data which could be huge, you can just remember the hash and keep track. A cryptographic hash function is a special class of hash functions that has various properties making it ideal for cryptography.

    There are certain properties that a cryptographic hash function needs to have in order to be considered secure. You can read about those in detail in our guide on hashing. There is just one property that we want you to focus on today. Even if you make a small change in your input, the changes that will be reflected in the hash will be huge.

    Do you see that? Even though you just changed the case of the first alphabet of the input, look at how much that has affected the output hash. What we said was:. The blockchain is a linked list that contains data and a hash pointer that points to its previous block, hence creating the chain. What is a hash pointer? A hash pointer is similar to a pointer, but instead of just containing the address of the previous block it also contains the hash of the data inside the previous block. Imagine this for a second, a hacker attacks block 3 and tries to change the data.

    Because of the properties of hash functions, a slight change in data will change the hash drastically. This means that any slight changes made in block 3, will change the hash which is stored in block 2, now that in turn will change the data and the hash of block 2 which will result in changes in block 1 and so on and so forth.

    This will completely change the chain, which is impossible. This is exactly how blockchains attain immutability. The blockchain is maintained by a peer-to-peer network.

    The network is a collection of nodes that are interconnected to one another. Nodes are individual computers that take in input and performs a function on them and gives an output. There is no longer one central server, now there are several distributed and decentralized peers. One of the main uses of the peer-to-peer network is file sharing, also called torrenting. If you are to use a client-server model for downloading, then it is usually extremely slow and entirely dependent on the health of the server.

    Plus, as we said, it is prone to censorship. However, in a peer-to-peer system, there is no central authority, and hence if even one of the peers in the network goes out of the race, you still have more peers to download from. Plus, it is not subject to the idealistic standards of a central system, hence it is not prone to censorship. The decentralized nature of a peer-to-peer system becomes critical as we move on to the next section.

    How critical? Well, the simple at least on paper idea of combining this peer-to-peer network with a payment system has completely revolutionized the finance industry by giving birth to cryptocurrency. The peer-to-peer network structure in cryptocurrency is structured according to the consensus mechanism that they are utilizing. For cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and Ethereum which uses a normal proof-of-work consensus mechanism Ethereum will eventually move on to Proof of Stake , all the nodes have the same privilege.

    The idea is to create an egalitarian network. The nodes are not given any special privileges, however, their functions and degree of participation may differ.

    It is a flat topology. These decentralized cryptocurrencies are structured like that is because of a simple reason, to stay true to their philosophy. The idea is to have a currency system, where everyone is treated as an equal and there is no governing body, which can determine the value of the currency based on a whim. This is true for both bitcoin and Ethereum.

    Now, if there is no central system, how would everyone in the system get to know that a certain transaction has happened? The network follows the gossip protocol. Think of how gossip spreads. The nodes nearest to her will get to know of this, and then they will tell the nodes closest to them, and then they will tell their neighbors, and this will keep on spreading out until everyone knows.

    Nodes are basically your nosy, annoying relatives. So, what is a node in the context of Ethereum? A node is simply a computer that participates in the Ethereum network. This participation can be in three ways:.

    However, the problem with this design is that it is not really that scalable. Nothing can be retroactively changed, so nobody can tamper with the blockchain once its been created. Case in point, this makes a blockchain safe.

    Blockchain is powerfully more secure than traditional databases because it removes middlemen like banks, businesses and governments from the safety equation, replacing them with distributed nodes computers in a blockchain network. Each node hosts its own copy of the blockchain database so it can participate in the blockchain peer-to-peer network.

    Blockchain is the first technology combining peer-to-peer networks, public-key encryption and distributed consensus to reduce uncertainty, increase trust and validate data with extremely high certainty. Top tip: if youre in a meeting discussing anything to do with finance, at some point look wise and say you do realize, blockchain is likely to change everything. Of course, there is always a terrifying chance that someone will ask what you actually mean.

    Worry not, because IDS has produced a handy bluffers guide to help you respond. Blockchain for Development Hope or Hype? Its only four pages, but in case even that is too onerous, here are some excerpts aka a bluffers guide to the bluffers guide.

    At its heart, the blockchain is a ledger. It is a digital ledger of transactions that is distributed, verified and monitored by multiple sources simultaneously. It may be difficult to think of something as basic as the way we keep and maintain records as a technology, but this is because record-keeping is so ingrained in daily life, albeit often invisibly.

    The ubiquity of ledgers is in part the reason why blockchains are held as having so much disruptive potential. Traditionally, ledgers have enabled and facilitated vital functions, with the help of trusted third parties such as financial institutions and governments.

    These include: ensuring us of who owns what; validating transactions; or verifying that a given piece of information is true. Table 1: Comparing traditional ledgers with the blockchain Source: Institute of Development Studies IDS The hype is not about the blockchain itself but what it enables. Unpacking the disruptive potential of blockchain technology for human development.

    In the scramble to harness new technologies to propel innovation around the world, artificial intelligence, robotics, machine learning, and blockchain technologies are being explored and deployed in a wide variety of contexts globally.

    Although blockchain is one of the most hyped of these new technologies, it is also perhaps the least understood. Blockchain is the distributed ledger a database that is shared across multiple sites or institutions to furnish a secure and transparent record of events occurring during the provision of a service or contract that supports cryptocurrencies digital assets designed to work as mediums of exchange.

    Blockchain is now underpinning applications such as land registries and identity services, but as its popularity grows, its relevance in addressing socio-economic gaps and supporting development targets like the globally-recognized UN Sustainable Development Goals is critical to unpack.

    Moreover, for countries in the global South that want to be more than just end users or consumers, the complex infrastructure requirements and operating costs of blockchain could prove challenging. For the purposes of real development, we need to not only understand how blockchain is workable, but also who is able to harness it to foster social inclusion and promote democratic governance. This white paper explores the potential of blockchain technology to support human development.

    It provides a non-technical overview, illustrates a range of applications, and offers a series of conclusions and recommendations for additional research and potential development programming. Blockchain is poised to change IT in much the same way open-source software did a quarter of a century ago. And in the same way that Linux took more than a decade to become a cornerstone in modern application development, Blockchain will take years to become a lower cost, more efficient way to share information between open and private networks.

    But the hype around this seemingly new, secure electronic ledger is real. In essence, blockchain represents a new paradigm for the way information is shared and tech vendors and companies are rushing to figure out how they can use the distributed ledger technology to save time and admin costs. Numerous companies this year have been rolling out pilot programs and real-world projects across a variety of industries - everything from financial services to healthcare to mobile payments.

    It's unlikely to be a wholly disruptive technology that attacks traditional business models with a lower-cost solution that overtakes other networking technology quickly, according to Karim Lakhani, a professor of business administration at the Harvard Business School. Instead, Blockchain is a foundational technology, with the potential to create new foundations for economic and social systems, Lakhani said in The Truth About Blockchain , which he co-authored.

    In the Financial Times, Gillian Tett describes an intriguing potential use for blockchain technology: enumerating property rights, and as a result furthering economic development. Blockchain, as I understand it, I admit it is a fairly weak understanding allows for decentralized authority; in the case of bitcoin, blockchain allows for a record of transactions and the creation of currency without relying on something akin to a central bank.

    Property rights are often discussed as a crucial element of economic development; without them, citizens have no incentive to invest and improve their property, curbing productivity growth and leaving the economy stagnant. Further, if citizens cannot claim to own their property, they cannot participate in the foundation of capitalism, the market. Take land as an example. Without property rights, a citizens land is liable to be taken by anyone, and the citizen has no recourse to reclaim it.

    There is no incentive to improve the land, as it is liable to be lost the next day. With property rights, the incentive returns, and citizens are more likely to invest and boost their propertys productivity. The trouble with property rights is enforcement, especially in rural, developing areas.

    The governments of developing economies are often relatively weak, specifically in rural areas where there is little physical government presence. Without the governments ability to backstop property rights, they may as well not exist; property can still be expropriated and the investment incentive disappears.

    Blockchain would mostly remove the need for government backstopping in these areas by creating a public, universally accessible ledger of property records.

    Blockchain: what is it and what does it mean for development? As an emerging technology, blockchain enthusiasts are hopeful it could be the next big development disruptor. Last modified on Friday 6 October However, uniquely, rather than being kept in one place like the more traditional ledger book, the database is shared across a network of computers.

    This network can encompass just a handful of users, or hundreds and thousands of people. The ledger becomes a long list of transactions that have taken place since the beginning of the network, getting bigger over time. Blockchain runs on specialised computer software that operates behind the scenes, automatically distributing information to the database as new transactions are made.

    Most individual users will not see a blockchain performing and this instantaneous nature means there is little to no window of time for someone to alter a transaction before it is recorded on to the ledger. A blockchain database consists of blocks and transactions. For other uses, see Block chain disambiguation.

    Blockchain formation. The main chain black consists of the longest series of blocks from the genesis block green to the current block. Orphan blocks purple exist outside of the main chain.

    Blockchain Technology's Three Generations

    Development and purpose of blockchain

    When you google search for something, you send a query to the server who then gets back at you with the relevant information. That is a simple client-server. Now, centralized systems have treated us well for many years, however, they have several vulnerabilities. In a decentralized system, the information is not stored by one single entity.

    In fact, everyone in the network owns the information. In a decentralized network, if you wanted to interact with your friend then you can do so directly without going through a third party.

    That was the main ideology behind Bitcoins. You and only you alone are in charge of your money. You can send your money to anyone you want without having to go through a bank. Why do you think that happens?

    The following snapshot of Ethereum transactions will show you what we mean:. This level of transparency has never existed before within a financial system. It adds that extra, and much needed, level of accountability which is required by some of these biggest institutions.

    Speaking purely from the point of view of cryptocurrency , if you know the public address of one of these big companies, you can simply pop it in an explorer and look at all the transactions that they have engaged in. This forces them to be honest, something that they have never had to deal with before. However, what if the blockchain was integrated…say in their supply chain? Immutability, in the context of the blockchain, means that once something has been entered into the blockchain, it cannot be tampered with.

    The reason why the blockchain gets this property is that of the cryptographic hash function. In simple terms, hashing means taking an input string of any length and giving out an output of a fixed length.

    In the context of cryptocurrencies like bitcoin, the transactions are taken as input and run through a hashing algorithm Bitcoin uses SHA which gives an output of a fixed length. We are going to put in certain inputs. As you can see, in the case of SHA, no matter how big or small your input is, the output will always have a fixed bits length. This becomes critical when you are dealing with a huge amount of data and transactions.

    So basically, instead of remembering the input data which could be huge, you can just remember the hash and keep track. A cryptographic hash function is a special class of hash functions that has various properties making it ideal for cryptography. There are certain properties that a cryptographic hash function needs to have in order to be considered secure. You can read about those in detail in our guide on hashing.

    There is just one property that we want you to focus on today. Even if you make a small change in your input, the changes that will be reflected in the hash will be huge. Do you see that? Even though you just changed the case of the first alphabet of the input, look at how much that has affected the output hash. What we said was:. The blockchain is a linked list that contains data and a hash pointer that points to its previous block, hence creating the chain.

    What is a hash pointer? A hash pointer is similar to a pointer, but instead of just containing the address of the previous block it also contains the hash of the data inside the previous block.

    Imagine this for a second, a hacker attacks block 3 and tries to change the data. Because of the properties of hash functions, a slight change in data will change the hash drastically. This means that any slight changes made in block 3, will change the hash which is stored in block 2, now that in turn will change the data and the hash of block 2 which will result in changes in block 1 and so on and so forth.

    This will completely change the chain, which is impossible. This is exactly how blockchains attain immutability. The blockchain is maintained by a peer-to-peer network. The network is a collection of nodes that are interconnected to one another. Nodes are individual computers that take in input and performs a function on them and gives an output.

    There is no longer one central server, now there are several distributed and decentralized peers. One of the main uses of the peer-to-peer network is file sharing, also called torrenting. If you are to use a client-server model for downloading, then it is usually extremely slow and entirely dependent on the health of the server. Plus, as we said, it is prone to censorship. However, in a peer-to-peer system, there is no central authority, and hence if even one of the peers in the network goes out of the race, you still have more peers to download from.

    Plus, it is not subject to the idealistic standards of a central system, hence it is not prone to censorship. The decentralized nature of a peer-to-peer system becomes critical as we move on to the next section. How critical? Well, the simple at least on paper idea of combining this peer-to-peer network with a payment system has completely revolutionized the finance industry by giving birth to cryptocurrency.

    The peer-to-peer network structure in cryptocurrency is structured according to the consensus mechanism that they are utilizing. For cryptocurrency like Bitcoin and Ethereum which uses a normal proof-of-work consensus mechanism Ethereum will eventually move on to Proof of Stake , all the nodes have the same privilege. The idea is to create an egalitarian network. The nodes are not given any special privileges, however, their functions and degree of participation may differ.

    It is a flat topology. These decentralized cryptocurrencies are structured like that is because of a simple reason, to stay true to their philosophy. The idea is to have a currency system, where everyone is treated as an equal and there is no governing body, which can determine the value of the currency based on a whim.

    This is true for both bitcoin and Ethereum. Now, if there is no central system, how would everyone in the system get to know that a certain transaction has happened? The network follows the gossip protocol. Think of how gossip spreads. The nodes nearest to her will get to know of this, and then they will tell the nodes closest to them, and then they will tell their neighbors, and this will keep on spreading out until everyone knows. Nodes are basically your nosy, annoying relatives. So, what is a node in the context of Ethereum?

    A node is simply a computer that participates in the Ethereum network. This participation can be in three ways:. However, the problem with this design is that it is not really that scalable. Which is why a lot of new generation cryptocurrencies adopt a leader-based consensus mechanism. These cryptos are a lot faster but they are not the most decentralized of systems. Currently, finance offers the strongest use cases for the technology. International remittances, for instance.

    And at the moment there is a high demand for blockchain developers. The blockchain potentially cuts out the middleman for these types of transactions.

    Transactions online are closely connected to the processes of identity verification. It is easy to imagine that wallet apps will transform in the coming years to include other types of identity management. The impact of blockchain technology is genuinely far-reaching and has far more use-cases than being a facilitator for transactions. Several industries have discovered the benefits of blockchain integration.

    While Bitcoin and Ethereum are examples of public blockchains, most of these industries require specific functionalities out of their distributed ledger architecture. Public blockchains are open protocols.

    Anyone can join the network and participate in the protocol and take care of the overall network consensus. Plus, the data stored in the blockchain is pretty much open for all to see since everything is public. Permissioned chains can also be differentiated into public permissioned and private permissioned blockchains. In a public permissioned system, anyone can join the network, but just a select few can take care of the consensus and overall networks.

    Anybody can access a public ATM and use it. But, not everyone can open up the machine and add new functionalities and cash. Only the bank that owns the machine has the right to do so. Blockchains like stellar, ripple, EOS, sovrin, etc. In EOS, anybody can join the network.

    However, to take part in the consensus, you will need to be elected as one of the 21 block producers and lock up some stake in the ecosystem. A private permissioned blockchain is one where members need to gain permission to enter the system and only a chosen few nodes are allowed to make administrative decisions. Think of a university.

    Not everyone can enter this university. Aspirants first need to pass an entrance exam. Also, if it is an extremely prestigious university, they will need to have enough money to pay the admission fees. Not every student gets to handle the administrative side. Many companies have created consortiums using protocols like Hyperledger Fabric, which are private permissioned blockchains.

    They've fixed it. Summary: Both should provide similar reliability of What is the argument utxos int the RLP is intended to be a highly Already have an account? Sign in. What is the purpose of Blockchain Technology.

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    Purpose of Blockchain Technology: A blockchain technology is an online ledger that user data structure, to simplify the way we transact. It allows users to manipulate the ledger in a secure way without the help of a third party. It allows a free cryptocurrency through a decentralized environment. What type of product interface do you require?

    How many users will interact with your platform? We have estimated the cost of a blockchain app based on the following scenarios: Process The complexity of a Blockchain App Development Resources. Cost of Blockchain Implementation: Process. The following table represents the cost percentage with respect to a specific development phase. Here are some of the 3rd Party Tools that Blockchain Apps might need:.

    Cost: Continuous Integration It is also crucial to maintain a pipeline of quality code. The cost of Blockchain implementation also depends on the complexity of your project. We have classified the blockchain apps into three categories based on their complexity:. High complexity blockchain apps Building a blockchain platform from scratch Building a complete decentralized network.

    Cost of Blockchain Implementation: Development Resources. Following are some of the ways to get an app built:. Building a blockchain app with an in-house team Hiring freelancer for blockchain app development Hiring an agency to build a blockchain app. In-House vs Freelancer vs Agency: Whom should you prefer? In-house Team Initially, maintaining a team of in-house blockchain developers seems to be troubled with only monetary issues. Agency Any agency specialized in the blockchain app development can be a viable option.

    Akash Takyar. Akash is an early adopter of new technology, a passionate technology enthusiast, and an investor in AI and IoT startups. Write to Akash. Start a conversation by filling the form. Once you let us know your requirement, our technical expert will schedule a call and discuss your idea in detail post sign of an NDA. Show all Insights.

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    Associated Data

    Blockchain is a new way of thinking about how we organize and utilize student and even faculty data online, providing them with a sense of ownership, ease of access, and immutability — and it just may take over the way we store education data in the future.

    Blockchain is a newer innovation in computer science, that has world-wide scale and reach, as well as interdisciplinary applications.

    It is destined to disrupt the global economy in the foreseeable future. In this community, each member maintains his or her own copy of the information. The information could be representative of transactions a currency or other unit , contracts agreements to move assets, funds, or information , or virtually anything else that can be put into a digital form. Blockchain is an emerging technology, with countless capabilities to affect every part of our lives, and the way we conduct transactions or keep records.

    Analysts see the potential for this technology to disrupt traditional methods of transaction, and data collection services, since blockchains are distributed, decentralized, and permanent pieces of information. Student records are endless, and with blockchain technology, assets like attendance, courses, payments toward tuition if they attend a private school, grades, coursework, and even their diploma can become part of their personal blockchain record. Since these records cannot be deleted, this helps with data security in that it is immutable.

    It also belongs to the student, rather than to the school. With blockchain, no participant can tamper with a record after it has been saved. If a record has an error, a new record must be added to correct it, and both the incorrect and correct records will remain visible. Today, many state educational institutions are in the planning process for implementing blockchain-based tools, and if you work with schools, being aware of this will help position you as knowledgeable of this change, and perhaps you can provide solutions to help.

    Are you in the business of creating open source software? Summary: Both should provide similar reliability of What is the argument utxos int the RLP is intended to be a highly Already have an account? Sign in. What is the purpose of Blockchain Technology. Your comment on this question: Your name to display optional : Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine: Email me if a comment is added after mine Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications.

    Your answer Your name to display optional : Email me at this address if my answer is selected or commented on: Email me if my answer is selected or commented on Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. Purpose of Blockchain Technology: A blockchain technology is an online ledger that user data structure, to simplify the way we transact. It allows users to manipulate the ledger in a secure way without the help of a third party.

    It allows a free cryptocurrency through a decentralized environment. It provides great transparency because it is a type of distributed ledger. This technology offers new tools for authentication and authorization in the digital world that fulfill the needs of many centralized administrators.

    Your comment on this answer: Your name to display optional : Email me at this address if a comment is added after mine: Email me if a comment is added after mine Privacy: Your email address will only be used for sending these notifications. Related Questions In Blockchain. What is the purpose of Blockchain Technology? What is the expiry time of blockchain wallet address? What type of database is blockchain? Truffle tests not running after truffle init This was a bug.

    Imagine this for a second, a hacker attacks block 3 blockchain tries to change the data. Effective Altruist. Since blockchain technology is still new to the market and new platforms are coming to the market every day, the apps can be switched development different platforms depending on purpose scalability, flexibility and confidentiality. Recent history Saved searches. So, we hope you enjoy this, What Is Blockchain Guide.

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