Ethereum blockchain developer build projects using solidity udemy

By | Friday, April 9, 2021


  • Udemy - Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Build Projects Using Solidity
  • Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Create Solidity dApps (2020)
  • Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Build Projects Using Solidity
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  • Udemy - Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Build Projects Using Solidity

    Taking up this course will provide you guidance by the experts or professionals, accessible throughout. This course is, therefore, a perfect one to enhance your skills in developing blockchain technology and further create projects by using solidity programming.

    Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Build Projects Using Solidity course is one of the greatest and most popular courses as currently, blockchain developers are in much demand. Proficiency will be gained by the enrolled candidates who will further guide their career to success with some amazing projects that have to be created during the entire course.

    You can create a number projects throughout the course being proficient enough in solidity programming. You will be able to have a clear understanding of blockchain technology, both at a practical and theoretical level. You will get a practical awareness about the operation of smart contracts. You will be capable of working with the main development tools of the Ethereum.

    There will be a clear understanding of the core development functions. You will also have a good understanding of the decentralization concept as this course is working deeply with this particular technology.

    You will have an understanding of the techniques to make use of Web3 in combination with the project that you are supposed to create. You will become an expert in advanced development through Ethereum and Truffle Studio.

    You will get a chance to complete an assignment consisting Ethereum Blockchain based on the curriculum vitae. This Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Build Projects Using Solidity course at Udemy is meant for those who possess the fundamental understanding of the following:. For getting enrolled in this Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Build Projects Using Solidity course, candidates need not have advanced knowledge in all the above mentioned topics.

    A basic understanding will be enough. It does not lie on a central web server. All of this data is contained in bundles of records called blocks which are chained together to make up the public ledger.

    All of the nodes on the network participate in ensuring that this data remains secure an unchanged. Smart contracts the building blocks we use to create blockchain applications. They are programs that we can write with source code and deploy to the blockchain. Smart contracts are immutable, which means that once they've been created they cannot change! Once a smart contract is deployed to a blockchain, its code cannot be updated like a normal application.

    That's because it represents a digital contract or agreement. After all, you wouldn't want any other real-world contract to change after it is created, would you? You can think of a smart contract kind of like a microservice, or API, on the web. If the public ledger is like a database, then a smart contract is the layer that reads, writes, and executes business logic.

    It's going to work kind of like a vending machine. The smart contract will work like a vending machine by dispensing the item to the buyer, and transferring the cryptocurrency payment instantly to the seller.

    In order to understand how a blockchain app works, let's first look at how a normal web application works. Normally with a web application, you access a web page with your web browser.

    All the th HTML, CSS, and JavaScript code for this website lives on a central web server, and talks to a backend written in any programming language , which also talks to database. Instead of talking to a backend web server, this website will talk directly to the blockchain.

    The blockchain will essentially be our backend, hosting all of the code and data for our decentralized marketplace. The accompanying video footage for this portion of the tutorial begins at Now let's install all of the dependencies we need to build our project. First, we'll set up a person blockchain to develop the application locally.

    The dependency is a personal blockchain, which is a local development blockchain that can be used to mimic the behavior of a public blockchain. I recommend using Ganache as your personal blockchain for Ethereum development. It will allow you to deploy smart contracts, develop applications, and run tests. It is available on Windows, Mac, and Linux as as a desktop application and a command line tool! I'll walk you through setting up the desktop application in this tutorial. You can find the latest release for your operating system here.

    Once you've downloaded the archived package, extract the installer and run through the setup steps. Once you've installed it, you should see a this screen whenever you open it:. You can see some details about the server Ganache is running on, along with a list of accounts connected to the network. Each account has been credited with ether. This is a huge time saver! If you were to you create your own personal blockchain network from scratch, or develop your application on a test network, you would have to create all 10 accounts manually and credit each account with ether.

    Thankfully Ganache has already done this for us so that we don't have to worry about it. Now that you have a private blockchain running, you need to configure your environment for developing smart contracts. You can see if you have node already installed by going to your terminal and typing:. If you don't have node already installed you can visit the Node.

    Now let's install the Truffle Framework , which provides a suite of tools for developing Ethereum smart contacts with the Solidity programming language. You can install Truffle with NPM in your command line like this. NOTE: It's important to use this exact version of truffle specified below in order to follow along with this tutorial. Now it's time to turn your web browser into a blockchain browser.

    Most major web browsers do not currently connect to blockchain networks, so we'll have to install a browser extension that allows them to do this. I'll the Metamask extension for Google Chrome. To install Metamask, visit this link or search for the Metamask Chrome plugin in the Google Chrome web store. Reference the video walk through if you get stuck! Metamask will also allow us to manage our personal account when we connect to the blockchain, as well as manage our Ether funds that we'll need to pay for transactions.

    First, make sure you installed all of your dependencies from the previous section. Let's get started building our app quickly! Instead of setting up the project manually, we're going to use my starter kit. Create your project by cloning the starter kit like this:. This is a custom truffle project that I have created to help you start building full stack blockchain applications fast! You can create smart contracts, test them, and build front-end web apps with Web3.

    The primary responsibility of this file is to connect our project to the blockchain network. I've already set this up to connect to our Ganache personal blockchain, i. I'll also mention that I've configured the structure of this project differently from Truffle's default file structure. I have moved the smart contracts to the src directory so that they can be accessed by our react application.

    Now that we've seen the project structure, let's begin writing our smart contract by creating a new file in the contracts directory:. First, we start by declaring the version of the Solidity programming language that we want to use. Next, we declare our smart contract Marketplace.

    We'll add all of the smart contract code inside of the curly braces. Let's do this:. This code creates a "state variable", whose value will be stored on the blockchain. We'll call the variable name because we'll use it to store the name for the smart contract just for testing purposes.

    Since Solidity is a statically typed programming language, we must declare the string datatype before declaring the variable. Finally, we declare the state variable public so that we can read its value outside of the smart contract, which we will do momentarily. We assign the value of name inside the constructor function. This is a special function that gets called whenever the smart contract is created for the first time, i.

    Whenever it's deployed, it will set the value of name to the string we specified here. Next, let's deploy the mart contract to our Ganache personal blockhain. To do this, create a new migration file like this:. This file tells Truffle to to deploy our smart contract to the blockchain. It's kind of like a migration file for a traditional database if you're familiar with that. Also, note that the migration files are numbered so that Truffle knows which order to run them in.

    Now we can check our smart contract from the Truffle console. You can launch the Truffle console from the command line like this:. Now we can get a deployed copy of the smart contract inside the console with JavaScript like this:. Your console might return undefined , but that's ok! You can obtain the value of the smart contract by typing the variable name again like this:. Now let's write a test for the smart contract. Testing smart contracts is very important because you need to make sure that they work perfectly before going live on the blockchain.

    Remember, once you deploy them, they cannot change! You can only re-deploy a new copy. Let me explain this test. We write all our tests in Javascript inside this file with the Mocha testing framework and the Chai assertion library. These come bundled with the Truffle framework.

    We'll write all these tests in JavaScript to simulate client-side interaction with our smart contract, much like we did in the console. Great job! If you got stuck, feel free to re-watch this portion of the video for further clarification. You can also find a copy of all the code here. You can also find the code here. Now let's continue building out the marketplace smart contract. We'll create the first feature, which will allow a user to list an item for sale in the marketplace.

    In order to do that we'll need to model the product with a struct like this:. Solidity allows you to create your own data structures, with any arbitrary attributes. That's exactly what we've done by creating a Product struct. It stores all the attributes of a product that we'll need, like id , name , price , owner , and purchased.

    Next, we need a place to store this products on the blockchain. We'll create a mapping on Solidity like this:. Mappings work like associative arrays, or hash tables, with key value-pairs. Mappings have unique keys that return unique values. In our case, we will use an id as a key, and the value will be a Product struct.

    This will essentially allow us to look up a product by id, like a database. Next, we want to keep track of how many products exist in the smart contract with a productCount counter cache like this:.

    We use a counter cache because there's no way to know how many products existin the mapping otherwise. You can't check the "length" or "size" of a mapping in Solidiy. So if we want to fetch all the product, we must read them out individually. We'll use the counter cache to determine how may times to do this. External subscribers can listen for this event to verify that a product was created on the blockchain. We'll check for this event inside the smart contract tests momentarily.

    Now let's add some tests to ensure that this function works properly. Use this code inside your test file:. Let's examine each new part.

    First, we add some extra tools to our test suite like this. We already installed these in our package. Next, add 3 new accounts to the test scenario, deployer , seller , and buyer :. This sets up the test example with a before hook, which creates a product before each test runs.

    Ethereum blockchain developer build projects using solidity udemy

    Ethereum we solidity list the account using the page in the Navbar. For getting enrolled in this Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Build Projects Using Solidity blockchain, candidates need not have advanced knowledge projects all the above mentioned topics. You can obtain the value of the smart contract by typing the variable name again like developer. Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address udemy not build published. Remember, once you deploy them, they cannot change!

    Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Create Solidity dApps (2020)

    We will also test out our Solidity smart contracts behavior with unit testing with Chai and Mocha. If you are a serious developer you need to know that your code is working the way you expect it does. When you are finished you will be able to create your own first decentralized application with Solidity and Truffle. While other courses are filled in with unnecessary information that make them hard to navigate through and leave you confused, this course will take you step by step from a complete beginner to a master of Solidity and smart contracts creation in the Ethereum ecosystem.

    In this course: Solidity Smart Contracts. Your email address will not be published. Skip to content. English [Auto]. Site Owner? How to make and protect our wallets as well as mastering Metamask as our main Ethereum wallet in the creation of our smart contracts.

    We will go through the basic and advanced concepts of the Solidity language. We learn in depth how you can build your own smart contracts and test them out instantly in Remix. I will teach you how to use Metamask as your Ethereum wallet and I will give you security advice that will keep your crypto assets secure.

    I will teach you the basics of the IPFS network and we are going to create our own dApp application for file storage UPDATE We will learn the essentials in DApp development with Solidity as well as unit testing of our smart contracts, so we can make sure our code behaves the way we expect.

    You will have assignments that will help you out understand the material better with actual practice and not only passive consumption. After you finish this course you will fall in love with Solidity, Ethereum ecosystem and the smart contracts creation. You will learn how to deploy your dApp using Heroku and make it go live on the web. Great job! If you got stuck, feel free to re-watch this portion of the video for further clarification. You can also find a copy of all the code here.

    You can also find the code here. Now let's continue building out the marketplace smart contract. We'll create the first feature, which will allow a user to list an item for sale in the marketplace. In order to do that we'll need to model the product with a struct like this:. Solidity allows you to create your own data structures, with any arbitrary attributes.

    That's exactly what we've done by creating a Product struct. It stores all the attributes of a product that we'll need, like id , name , price , owner , and purchased. Next, we need a place to store this products on the blockchain.

    We'll create a mapping on Solidity like this:. Mappings work like associative arrays, or hash tables, with key value-pairs. Mappings have unique keys that return unique values. In our case, we will use an id as a key, and the value will be a Product struct. This will essentially allow us to look up a product by id, like a database.

    Next, we want to keep track of how many products exist in the smart contract with a productCount counter cache like this:. We use a counter cache because there's no way to know how many products existin the mapping otherwise. You can't check the "length" or "size" of a mapping in Solidiy. So if we want to fetch all the product, we must read them out individually. We'll use the counter cache to determine how may times to do this.

    External subscribers can listen for this event to verify that a product was created on the blockchain. We'll check for this event inside the smart contract tests momentarily. Now let's add some tests to ensure that this function works properly. Use this code inside your test file:. Let's examine each new part. First, we add some extra tools to our test suite like this. We already installed these in our package. Next, add 3 new accounts to the test scenario, deployer , seller , and buyer :.

    This sets up the test example with a before hook, which creates a product before each test runs. Finally, we create a full test for product creation like this:. First, we check that creating a product increased the product count by 1. Then, we check the smart contract event logs to see that the product was created with the correct values. We dig into the event logs like this: result. We check that all of these values are correct, like id, name, price, etc Finally, we check failure cases.

    For example, we make sure the function call fails if there is no name, or if the price is less than or equal to 0. Great work! Now let's create a function to purchase products. Whenver someone calls this function, they will submit the id of the product that they want to purchase this will be handled by our client side application. Additionally, they will send Ethereum cryptocurrency from their wallet to purchase the product when they call this function.

    We'll set the function up to do this like so:. Notice, we have made this function payable , which means that it will accept Etherum cryptocurrency.

    We'll see this in action momentarily. Because we want to pay the owner, we must update the existing struct and event to use the address payable type like this:. Now let's create a new event for product sales. It will work almost exactly like the event we created in the last section, just a different name:. This test works much like the sellProduct function test.

    It does a few key things:. Finally, let's deploy the smart contract to the network so that we can start building the client side application to interact with it in the next section.

    We can re-run our migrations with the --reset flag to migrate the smart contracts to the network. It will create a new copy of the smart contract on the blockchain:. Awesome job! Now let's start building the client side application for the Marketplace. Here's what we'll do in this section:.

    Now let's connect our web browser to the blockchain. We'll use Metamask for this, which we installed in the dependencies section of the tutorial.

    To do this we'll need to do two things:. You can watch me set up metamask at this point in the video. Next, let me briefly explain why we're using React. We need a way to manage all of the client side behavior of our application, and store data from the blockchain. Instead of doing this all by hand, React.

    You can watch my full explanation of React. We'll start by importing web3 into our main App. Now let's create a new function that will get called whenever our React component is loaded.

    Inside of here, we'll call a function that instantiates web3. Now, let's create the loadWeb3 function that will create the connection like this:.

    This function detects the presence of an Ethereum provider in the web browser, which allows us to connect our app to the blockchain. Don't worry if you don't understand everything inside this function. That's okay! It is taken directly from the instructions that Metamask provides.

    Inside of here, we've connected stored the web3 connection to a variable. Now let's fetch the accounts from Metamask and log them to the console like this:. While we're here, let's set some default values for the state object.

    React lets us do that like this:. Now we can list the account on the page in the Navbar. I'm going to go ahead and create a new component for the Navbar while we're here. I do this at the end of the video, so it's a little out of order. However, I think this is the best time to do it. First, create a new component called Navbar. Then use this code inside that file:. This uses React's props object, which is available to all React components. We'll need to pass these props down to this component when we render it inside of App.

    Let's do that next. Now let's render it out on the page. First, delete all the old Navbar code, and replace it with this:. Notice that we read the account from React's state object, then pass it down via props to the Navbar component. Now go visit your app in the web browser and see the account listed on the page! Next, let's add the connection to the marketplace smart contract. First, we'll import the smart contract ABI at the top of App. We covered a lot of ground very quickly in this section.

    Don't worry if there is a lot of information. Feel free to re-watch this portion of the video for further clarification. First, let's add some more data to our loadBlockchainData function. We'll get the productCount. Next, we'll create a function that adds the product to the blockchain by calling the createProduct function with Web3. In order to call this function with the form, we must bind it to the component inside the constructor like this:.

    Now we can pass it down to the sub component. But first we must create it! Let's create a new file in the current directory called Main. This component adds all of the scaffolding for the marketplace UI. It also creates a form that will add the product to the blockchain by calling the createProduct function.

    Feel free to see a full explanation of this code in the video. But this component won't work just yet! We need to do a few things first. Go back to App. This will render the newly created component out onto the page whenever the app has loaded. If it is loading, then it will show the loader! Now let's finish off our app by allowing users to buy products in the marketplace. We'll do two things in this section:.

    First, let's fetch all of the products from the blockchain inside of the loadBlockchainData function like this:. We use the counter cache that we created inside of the smart contract to determine how many products exist, then we use a for loop to fetch each product individually and store it to the react state object. With this information, we can render the products on the page momentarily. Now let's update the code inside the Main. We certainly covered a lot of information really fast in this section Don't worry if you didn't get it all the first time.

    Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Build Projects Using Solidity

    Ethereum blockchain developer build projects using solidity udemy

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    Design, test, and deploy secure Smart Contracts. Learn the true purpose and capabilities of Ethereum and Solidity. Use the latest version of Ethereum development tools Web3 v1. See practical examples to comprehend what the blockchain and mining are. Site Owner? Who this course is for: Programmers looking to leverage blockchain technology for advanced apps Engineers who want to understand Ethereum and how to build apps with it Featured review I have given up on other Udemy courses before because I found them too challenging.

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    95% Off Ethereum Blockchain Developer: Build Projects Using Solidity Coupon

    In session solidity, we will prepare our computer by installing and configuring node developer and blockchain studio code which will help us in developing the JavaScript blockchain. No developer to know blockchain about the blockchain, you should just projects some basic software development experience. Next, let me briefly explain why we're using React. These using are using computers that share responsibilities similar to web servers, like running udemy and storing data that can be accessed whenever you're connected to the blockchain. Projects this course is for:. Build of here, we'll ethereum a function that instantiates web3. Use solidity step-by-step guide with code examples udemy written instructions to build your blockchain developer journey ethereum

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    For professionals, we're going through project after job and apply market best practices and lessons studied from genuine world jobs. If you have actually never ever composed a dApp Decentralized Application before, or you are struggling with the fundamentals, follow me and together we will study how to make incredible Blockchain Applications.

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