Https code technologies blockchain

By | Wednesday, April 21, 2021


  • Leverage blockchain monitoring
  • Archived | Implement asset securitization on a blockchain ledger
  • Comprehensive storage solution addresses data loss, duplication, tampering problems, and more
  • IBMDeveloperSkillsNetwork
  • Leverage blockchain monitoring

    For an overview of the series, see Build your first blockchain application. This pattern should be tackled once you are skilled in creating network and smart contracts using the IBM Blockchain Platform service. Consider this pattern an extension of that knowledge.

    Currently, this application demonstrates the event handling by extending the fabcar use case. Events occur when a car listing is issued. Participants interested in purchasing cars from an auction ask for notification when car sale listings are posted so they can get an early chance to bid.

    This pattern can be extended so that when a deal is closed, the owner is notified so they can anticipate when they will receive payment. Event notifications are an important part of the blockchain technology as participants typically like to react appropriately when transactions occur.

    March 8, pm EET. Get involved Close outline. Close Close. Get the code. Ideas on using technology for natural disaster recovery and response. July 31, Blockchain security, privacy, and confidentiality. July 29, April 24, Learn about enterprise-grade blockchain networks using Hyperledger Fabric. April 10, Python Flask in Kubernetes, Fabric network smart contract on Blockchain, and more. March 18, Horea Porutiu demystifies blockchain and its use cases.

    March 7, Create a global finance blockchain application with Node. February 11, Hyperledger Fabric Business Use Cases. February 4, Use blockchain to improve efficiency and transparency in a coffee bean supply chain. January 9, Use code patterns to jumpstart your blockchain application development. October 29, Blockchain Auction Apps with Chainyard. September 26, Call for Code Fridays - August 24,

    Https code technologies blockchain

    Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1. May 16, December 20, Use blockchain to improve efficiency and transparency in a coffee bean supply chain. July 31,

    Archived | Implement asset securitization on a blockchain ledger

    Get started with Blockchain. June 5, Integrate Java microservices with blockchain. May 15, Calendar event There are no upcoming events for Blockchain.

    See all upcoming events. Solutions Blockchain fundamentals. Tutorial Blockchain basics: Introduction to distributed ledgers. June 1, Series Learning Path: Start working with blockchain. June 12, Create a basic blockchain network using the Blockchain Platform. March 18, Series Build your first blockchain application. April 16, May 16, Article Secure your blockchain solutions.

    Get involved Close outline. Close Close. Get the code. Logo github. Watch demo 1. Play outline. Show more Show more icon. Summary Description Flow. Blockchain for trusted transactions Collaborate on business network problems and quickly build blockchain solutions in the IBM Cloud Garage with Blockchain. Blockchain becomes a crucial link in the supply chain Read Part 1 of the Technologies Disrupting the Supply Chain series covers blockchain as crucial link.

    Code can fight systemic racism. This Black History Month, let's rewrite the wrong. Get involved. Note: This pattern focuses on older technology e.

    Therefore, there is no support for this pattern and it will be archived on May 1, Food suppliers must comply with U. Regulatory compliance is a high-focus area in which developers are looking to build applications that automate and standardize processes used to enforce and execute compliance. Blockchain presents an opportunity to do just that. You can use Hyperledger Composer to easily build a regulatory compliance application and build logic in a smart contract that is deployed on a business network.

    This pattern focuses on an FDA compliance use case. Get creative and apply it to your own use case of managing regulation compliance. So in focusing on this use case, imagine that a supplier will transfer the food products to an importer who verifies that the supplier, country, and food type all match the correct identifiers.

    At the port of entry, the supplier is again checked against a list of known suppliers in a database managed by the regulator. If the supplier is of type exempt, then products transfer to the retailer.

    Comprehensive storage solution addresses data loss, duplication, tampering problems, and more

    Https code technologies blockchain

    The product usage will be used for business reporting and product usage understanding. Course Number. You will receive a completion certificate and badge. A familiarity with a programming language is desirable, but not essential. Nowadays, there is increasing demand for decentralized storage in both blockchain and cloud technologies. Many blockchains have structured data storage to prove data consistency, while unstructured data storage needs to be enabled with trust and privacy options, just as it is with cloud.

    This code pattern shows you how to build this type of private storage network in enterprise form using IPFSfB for any blockchain. Many enterprises and developers face challenges with data loss, duplication, tampering, and content addressing.

    Inspired by the build your first network BYFN sample from Hyperledger Fabric, IPFSfB is built with Docker and Docker Compose to start up quickly on any platform or computer, and enables them to run distributed and private storage networks in enterprise form where any blockchain can store unstructured data.

    This code pattern shows you how to build a distributed and private storage network in enterprise form using IPFSfB. June 9, Get started with Blockchain. June 5, Integrate Java microservices with blockchain. May 15, Calendar event There are no upcoming events for Blockchain. See all upcoming events. Solutions Blockchain fundamentals. Tutorial Blockchain basics: Introduction to distributed ledgers.

    June 1, Series Learning Path: Start working with blockchain. June 12, Create a basic blockchain network using the Blockchain Platform. March 18, Series Build your first blockchain application. April 16, May 16,


    Get involved Close outline. Databases : Repository for blockchain and managing collections of data. Article Mapping cross-domain security requirements to https. Series Learning Code Start working with blockchain. April 16, supplier provides the hazard analysis report to the regulator. Securitization provides a method to add liquidity to assets technologies cannot be readily bought or sold.

    They'll show the Contract ID to the seller us and we will complete and verify the transaction in our dashboard and give them the swag. The users can also check how they are doing with their steps compared to other people in the Standings view in the mobile app or in the Kubecoin dashboard. Install Docker by following the instructions here for your preferrerd operating system.

    You would need docker if you want to build and use your own images. Learn more about the chaincode functions for this project here. This code pattern is licensed under the Apache Software License, Version 2. Separate third party code objects invoked within this code pattern are licensed by their respective providers pursuant to their own separate licenses. Contributions are subject to the Developer Certificate of Origin, Version 1.

    Skip to content. This repository has been archived by the owner. It is now read-only. Go back. Launching Xcode If nothing happens, download Xcode and try again.

    Latest commit. Git stats 48 commits. Failed to load latest commit information. Apr 18, Add the code used in KubeCon app. Apr 30, Add additional markdown files. May 30, Initial commit. Apr 25, May 22, May 2, Add IKS v1. Nov 28, View code. The queue has 2 channels, which are for the user Fitcoin org and the seller Shop org.

    The requests can either be: User enrollment Query data from the blockchain network number of kubecoins of a user, products that are for sale, contracts, etc… Invoke or perform a transaction send steps to receive kubecoins, claim a product, complete a transaction, etc… The execution workers use the Hyperledger Fabric Node. They are listening to the requests from RabbitMQ.

    The workers send the requests to the Blockchain network and are then processed. The blockchain network uses NFS to persist the ledger and state database. The workers receive the response and then persists it in the redis database with the unique key from 1. This is where the unique key is used. The mobile app will query the redis database with the unique key.

    When the blockchain network enrolls a user, this service uses the user id assigned by the blockchain network. When a user is registered, it calls a Cloud Function to generate a random name and avatar for the user. The data from the microservices are persisted in a MongoDB. The mobile assets microservice is used to query the MongoDB to get dynamic data for the mobile app. The booklet in the first view uses the database for its content. The leaderboard microservice is used to get the standings of the users.

    Summary The first time the user opens the app, he gets anonymously assigned a unique user ID in the Blockchain network. Hyperledger Fabric v1. Compose for RabbitMQ : RabbitMQ is a messaging broker that asynchronously communicates between your applications and databases, allowing you to keep seperation between your data and app layers.

    Compose for Redis : An open-source, in-memory data structure store, used as a database, cache and message broker. Cloud Functions : Execute code on demand in a highly scalable, serverless environment. Featured Technologies Blockchain : Distributed database maintaining a continuously growing list of secured records or blocks. Get creative and apply it to your own use case of managing regulation compliance. So in focusing on this use case, imagine that a supplier will transfer the food products to an importer who verifies that the supplier, country, and food type all match the correct identifiers.

    At the port of entry, the supplier is again checked against a list of known suppliers in a database managed by the regulator. If the supplier is of type exempt, then products transfer to the retailer. If the supplier is non-exempt, the products are checked against a list of known food products in the database managed by the regulator.

    If the food is an exempt product, then it transfers to the retailer. If the food is non-exempt, the importer must conduct the hazard analysis either independently or by using a third party.

    The supplier provides the hazard analysis report to the regulator. The regulator reviews compliance and transfers the products to the retailer. In this pattern, we capture the regulatory compliance logic for the FDA Foreign Supplier Verification Program in a smart contract deployed on a business network. This Hyperledger Composer pattern shows how to model food supplier verification regulatory requirements for a distributed business network.

    Keep in mind that a business network definition consists of model. The archive file is then deployed to a Hyperledger Fabric network. Follow these steps to use Hyperledger Composer to model food supplier verification regulatory requirements for a distributed business network.

    January 17, am MST. January 16, am MST. April 16, pm CET. Get involved Close outline. Close Close. Get the code. Logo github.

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