Prerequisites to learn blockchain development

By | Saturday, April 17, 2021


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    Even though I knew about it I never thought to learn Blockchain development and writing tutorials about it, until I realize this may be the time to learn Blockchain.

    There is so much emphasis on Blockchain development as companies from finance, real estate, healthcare, and other sectors are very keen to learn about Blockchains and adopt them. Venture capitalists are currently diverting a lot of investments into funding Blockchain-based companies, which means there could not be a better time to learn about Blockchain then this year, and there is no better way to start with free online courses.

    In this article, I am going to share 5 free Blockchain technology courses, which will teach you the fundamentals of Blockchain, how it works and how disruptive it can be. These courses will not only teach you fundamentals and basics e. The list also includes a course on writing HelloWorld program using Etherium network. Blockchain Fundamentals This is an awesome course to learn about Blochain Fundamentals and Smart contract development from Pluarlsight In this course, you will first learn Ethereum blockchain, smart contract development, and how to create private blockchains.

    Your sample application is a distributed application that ensures a secure and trustworthy product lifecycle trail for batches of food, using blockchain technology. Blockchain Theory This is a great introductory course about Blockchain and anyone who wants to learn about blockchain technology can join this course for free.

    In this course, you will learn about blockchain technology including mining, consensus algorithms, smart property, and smart contracts. The instructor, Melanie Swan is also the author of a published book Blockchain: Blueprint for a New Economy which means she has a good knowledge of Blockchain.

    The current status of blockchain technology, potential applications in Financial Services, Logistics, Healthcare, Energy, and IoT, and next steps regarding its deployment in your organization. In this course , you will start with the fundamental data structures and algorithms used to build a typical Blockchain and build up a working example over the course.

    After that, you will be taught how to make the Blockchain tamper-proof using mining and proof-of-work. Finally, you will learn how nodes on a Blockchain maintain consensus. After completing this course, you will have the knowledge and tools necessary to build your own Blockchain.

    No Downloads. Views Total views. Actions Shares. No notes for slide. Prerequisites to learn blockchain 1. With a wide array of development and rise of professional courses, we have seen a surge in demand for technology courses. One such branch of technology which is witnessing whooping growth and demand is Blockchain. Companies are looking for individuals who have knowledge and expertise in this field. While we talk so much about these courses, it becomes important to mention here that an individual who is willing to make a career in this field must choose the right certification course from the right platform.

    Blockchain Council is a renowned name which has an array of certification course in the field of Blockchain and allied segment.

    We will be unfolding those details in front of you : 1. Learning the basics of cryptocurrencies. One of the first things that you should have a clear understanding of is the cryptocurrencies. Learning the fundamentals of Blockchain. This segment usually involves learning about technology, how does it work, and what are its different use cases.

    The next thing is information about consensus mechanism. This the mechanism via which a transaction is approved. There is around 20 consensus mechanism, but two of the popular ones are Proof of Work, Proof of Stake.

    Prior knowledge about coding will be helpful for you, especially if you are trying to develop a Blockchain-based app. Moreover, having prior knowledge about coding will make it easy for you to understand the concepts of Blockchain and its implications.

    Experience in software development 6. However, most of the platforms offering such courses focus on creating a curriculum which highlights all information about Blockchain and its uses. This will make it easy for you to understand about Blockchain from the start. Any questions? You can mail us at hello blockchain-council. You just clipped your first slide! Clipping is a handy way to collect important slides you want to go back to later.

    Prerequisites to learn blockchain development

    Navigate to the Nodes tab, click Add peer , choose Create a peer , and then click Next. Provide a peer display name, leave advanced deployment options with the default value, and click Next. On the next screen, select the CA that you created in Step 4. Select the enroll ID of the peer identity that you created for your peer at the end of Step 5 and provide the associated secret. On the next screen, you are asked to associate an identity to make it admin of your peer.

    For the purpose of this tutorial, you can choose the organization admin org1 msp admin , and then click Next. Review the summary and click Add Peer. To add more peers in the same organization, register a new user with peer identity as mentioned in Step 5 and repeat this step. Note: Repeat Steps 4 — 7 to create more organizations and peers as needed. The orderer node runs the communication service that guarantees transaction delivery in the network.

    To create the orderer, you need to create the orderer CA first. Perform the same steps that you did in Step 4 to create the orderer CA.

    Next, register the orderer user identities using your orderer CA. Perform all of the steps in Step 5 again to register users with admin and orderer identities. Create the orderer MSP definition in the same way that you did in Step 6. Navigate to the Nodes tab and click Add ordering service. Choose Create an ordering service and click Next. Provide the Ordering service display name and you can designate the Number of ordering nodes as one ordering node. One ordering node is suitable for development and testing.

    Then click Next. Provide the required information as explained in Step 7, but make sure you choose the correct orderer CA and orderer MSP. Click Next. The channel is the mechanism through which a set of components within a blockchain network communicate and transact. Navigate to the Channels tab in the left navigation and click Create channel. In Channel details , provide a name for the channel. Select the orderer you created from the Ordering service drop-down list. Now add organizations to the channel.

    Repeat this step to add all of the required organizations to your channel. Choose the appropriate channel update policy from the available options and click Next. Next is the channel creator organization. Select the Channel Creator MSP , identifying an organization for channel creation from the drop-down list. Then associate an available admin identity for that organization and click Next. If you have any files in this folder other than smart contract files, then you might encounter issues while packaging the smart contract.

    Press the F1 key to see the various VS Code options. Make sure Node, NPM, and Go are installed and the corresponding paths are set before you perform this step. You will be prompted for the package name and version. In this course , you will start with the fundamental data structures and algorithms used to build a typical Blockchain and build up a working example over the course. After that, you will be taught how to make the Blockchain tamper-proof using mining and proof-of-work.

    Finally, you will learn how nodes on a Blockchain maintain consensus. After completing this course, you will have the knowledge and tools necessary to build your own Blockchain. Btw, these Pluralsight courses are not free exactly. In fact, this course is a sample of their more comprehensive course Ethereum Developer Masterclass: Build Real-World Projects , which teaches the Ethereum development in more details.

    Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain This course is more interesting for all of those who get excited about the name of BitCoin and other cryptocurrencies. Well, there is nothing wrong with that. Most of us only get to know about Blockchain because of those cryptocurrencies and their phenomenal rise.

    This course will teach you Blockchain by explaining cryptocurrency first, which will help you to better understand how Blockchain itself works and how it is different from the traditional model of the transaction. As I told, Blockchain development is getting a lot of focus because of its disruptive potential.

    Gain skills for life and business with these top 7 options of psychology courses free and paid options included. Looking for an introduction to programming using Python? Let's see what the best course is! Level up your business skills and beat the competition with these best online business courses.

    Ethereum was created by Vitalik Buterin and went live in It became NEO in Both platforms allow users to build dApps. They do this in slightly different ways. DApps are built using programming languages , just like regular software. These are popular languages that most software developers know how to use. This makes using NEO easier for experienced users. Ethereum has its language called Solidity. This means that even experienced developer needs to learn a new language to be a blockchain developer and start building dApps.

    Don't let that deter you from learning how to become a blockchain developer though. NEO is focused on providing platforms for the digital businesses of the future. It follows Chinese business regulations and works closely with the Chinese government. It is also currently a faster network than Ethereum.

    This is great for applications that will need to process a lot of transactions per second! Ethereum also has links with big businesses like Mastercard and Samsung. However, Ethereum is more focused on encouraging users to develop the blockchain than NEO is. It also has the largest dApp building community of any other blockchain. This is why I believe Ethereum is the best platform for a newbie to start their development training. Solidity was developed by an Ethereum team , which was led by Dr.

    Gavin Wood in Solidity is used to write smart contracts. Smart contracts are used to create dApps. It's vital to understand smart contracts if you're curious about how to become a blockchain developer.

    Smart contracts are the rules which guide transactions on Ethereum's blockchain. If the conditions of a smart contract are met, the transaction will happen. If the conditions of a smart contract are not met, then the transaction will not happen.

    The transaction is between Diana and Ross;. Diana is selling a football online for 5 Bitcoins BTC. Diana receives 5 BTC from Ross and sends him a football. The way that Bitcoin blockchain developers programmed it, the transaction looks like this:. What Diana and Ross need is a smart contract. Diana is selling football for 70 ETH. Ross wants a football so he sends Diana 70 ETH. Both parts of the contract have to happen for the transaction to be completed.

    Which transaction would you prefer? They can be used for lots of different things. Solidity smart contracts can be used to guide all kinds of transactions from secure voting in elections to rental agreements. Solidity is a high-level coding language.

    This means that it is designed to be read and used by human beings! Computer programs are usually written in a high-level language and then translated into a low-level coding language. Now, if you really want to know how to become a blockchain developer, you must learn about low-level coding languages also. A low-level coding language is designed to be read and used by computers. Low-level languages are made up of 1s and 0s.

    This is called binary. When a blockchain developer builds dApps and smart contracts on the Ethereum blockchain, there are rules which guide their design. For example, if you want to design a new cryptocurrency using Solidity you have to follow a set of rules called ERC These rules make it easier to tell how new dApps will work when they are launched on the blockchain.

    Ethereum blockchain development happens in a very special place called the Ethereum Virtual Machine. A virtual machine is an environment where new computer programs can be written.

    You would build and test your car in a factory and on empty streets. This is how the EVM works. It is a factory for building new smart contracts. This makes Ethereum a great place to learn blockchain. The EVM allows users to practice blockchain programming without worrying about making mistakes. The EVM is also Turing complete.

    This means that whatever a computer can do, you can design using the EVM. The only limit is your imagination! Think of all the exciting new ideas being built using the EVM right now! Learning Solidity is a lot like learning to speak a new language , but it is essential to become a blockchain developer on the Ethereum platform.

    Solidity basics are like nouns, adjectives, and verbs. Nouns, adjectives, and verbs are tools for creating sentences. Here are some of the tools for creating Solidity smart contracts;. Variables - These are used to store information on the blockchain. There are lots of different kinds of variables but here are some of the most common:.

    Booleans - These are used to store information that is either true or false. The keyword for Booleans is bool. Integers - These are used to store information as a number.


    Prerequisites guys, how are you doing? Your best bet would be Hyperledger or Multichain. Course Blockchain. Solidity basics are like nouns, development, and verbs. University-level courses Learn for enterprises Paid Certificates of completion. February 19,

    How to Become a Blockchain Developer: Practical Advice from the Experts

    Prerequisites to learn blockchain development

    Introduction to Cryptocurrencies and Blockchain This course is more interesting for all of those who get excited about the name of BitCoin and other cryptocurrencies. Well, there is nothing wrong with that. Most of us only get to know about Blockchain because of those cryptocurrencies and their phenomenal rise.

    This course will teach you Blockchain by explaining cryptocurrency first, which will help you to better understand how Blockchain itself works and how it is different from the traditional model of the transaction.

    As I told, Blockchain development is getting a lot of focus because of its disruptive potential. Apart from programmers and developers, these courses are also great for anyone who wants to know what is a BlockChain and how it works e. Thanks for reading this article so far. If you like these free Blockchain courses then please share with your friends and colleagues.

    Blockchain Explained by Experts - Hacker Noon. ML 🔗 Deep Learning vs. Join Hacker Noon Create your free account to unlock your custom reading experience. Test a smart contract by using Truffle. Bookmark Add to collection. Prerequisites Fundamental knowledge about blockchain Ethereum platform knowledge Familiarity with the Solidity programming language Visual Studio Code installed Knowledge about how to download programs from the internet Knowledge about how to use command-line tools An Azure account.

    Introduction min. What is a smart contract? Exercise - Install Truffle min. The IBM Blockchain Platform is a blockchain-as-a-service offering that provides users with deployment flexibility, scalability, and control over network components. The platform uses the Hyperledger Fabric 1. The user interface simplifies and accelerates the process of deploying components of the blockchain network.

    This tutorial takes you through the steps for setting up a basic blockchain network with IBM Blockchain Platform. Deploying the Kubernetes cluster should take about 25 — 30 minutes, in addition to the time it takes to set up the IBM Blockchain Platform. If a Kubernetes cluster already exists, then it should take about 60 minutes to complete this tutorial. As a first step in designing any blockchain solution, you need to decide on the blockchain consortium in other words, the blockchain network participants.

    If the structure of your blockchain network is similar to that shown in the following diagram, then, as this structure illustrates, you need to create the following:. You should repeat the same steps in accordance with your network structure. Make sure that the Kubernetes service cluster is completely deployed. Select the region, provide the service name and resource group, and then click Create. Provide the name of the existing cluster and click Next. As an entry point to your blockchain, you need to create an MSP organization.

    To do this, you need an org admin user identity. The CA creates all of the identities and certificates that belong to your organization in addition to defining the organization. Therefore, as a first step to setting up the blockchain network, you need to create the CA. Start setting your network with the CA.

    Click on the CA that you created as shown here:. Click Associate identity. It associates the CA admin identity with the CA node. You can change the identity display name or proceed with the default name provided. Click Register user , and then register an admin for your organization. Set the type for this identity as admin. This identity works as an organization admin and allows you to operate nodes using the console.

    The remaining attribute, Maximum enrollments , is optional. Leave it blank and click Next. Next, it asks you to add attributes. This is used for role-based access control over resources. For the purpose of this tutorial, you do not need to use attributes. Click Register user. Repeat Steps 1 — 4 to register one more user with a peer type identity.

    This identity allows you to deploy a peer. Admin certificates : Select the enroll ID that you created for your organization as admin identity for example, org1admin. Provide the enroll secret and identity name. Click Generate. It generates the identity as the admin for your organization and adds it to your Wallet.

    How To Become a Blockchain Developer: A Step-by-Step Guide

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