Hire a blockchain developer

By | Sunday, February 28, 2021


  • How to Hire the Best Possible Blockchain Developer
  • Have a question?
  • How to Hire Dedicated Blockchain Developers in your Budget?
  • Anthony Vipond: Blockchain Developer
  • How to Hire the Best Possible Blockchain Developer

    Not everyone likes working with freelancers, so outstaffing is an alternative option. It is responsible for everything related to the salary and bonuses, while you have to pay for the services provided. You do not have to waste time with documentation and save some money on taxes.

    Outsourcing is the recent trend in hiring remote workers for a company. It is an improved version of freelancing where the contractor works for a longer period of time with the project.

    They can also be involved in other projects of your company, depending on the relevance of this idea. Mostly, people prefer outsourcing for the possibility to save time on public transport and tight schedules. The development process is something that can be done remotely, so working from home significantly increases efficiency. This is something to consider when hiring a new team member.

    Now, sum up all the advantages of the above-mentioned options and imagine that all the disadvantages were removed. This is what you would get by working with GlobalCloudTeam. Our company has got over experienced developers for any purpose. With over completed projects in different fields, we can reassure you that you will get a top-notch quality product. Also, the following features are provided:.

    Do not waste your time. Fill out the contact form on our website to get in touch with a representative. Each has established a division within their company dedicated to incorporating blockchain into their business.

    If some of the largest corporations are investing in blockchain, it may not be a bad idea to follow suit. It could set your business up for the future. If you are reading this, you are probably looking to hire a blockchain developer. But the shortage of blockchain developers can make finding one especially difficult.

    To find the right one for you, consider the following preliminary steps:. If you onboard a blockchain developer, you can develop a long-term work relationship with them. This will take the stress out of finding a new blockchain developer when you need one again.

    At the same time, you may incur more costs from choosing to onboard. Think of HR, work benefits, and even the physical office and work equipment you will need to provide for your new employee. If you choose to outsource a blockchain developer, you make a short-term work commitment. Whether this is a one-off project or you simply want to test the waters with the developer, outsourcing is the more flexible option.

    Plus, you will save on most of the costs that come with onboarding. Freelancers have their own equipment and often work from home. All in all, it is difficult to onboard blockchain developers because they are harder to keep long-term. Their high-demand skills keep them employed with or without a full-time employment agreement. Most of the time then, outsourcing is the way to go. Blockchain developers are high in demand.

    To make blockchain developers want to take on your project, consider what you have to offer. Keep in mind that because their skills are in short supply, blockchain developers can demand big salaries. To get a good blockchain developer, you have to match these salaries and stay competitive.

    Otherwise, blockchain developers will go where the money is. Other ways to attract blockchain developers include offering plenty of perks and benefits. For example, consider offering a flexible schedule or the option to work from home.

    Many blockchain developers enjoy a flexible lifestyle, so a strict 9-to-5 may not suit them. If you hire an in-house blockchain developer, create a comfortable work environment with plenty of amenities like recreation areas, snacks, and work parties.

    You might also consider offering an attractive compensation package with things like continuing education classes and career advancement opportunities. Software developers want to feel they are progressing in their career, that they are not just cogs in a machine. Anything you can do to make your job offer more appealing will go a long way. In a market that has ample job opportunities but not enough talent, the little things count. Once you have identified the type of blockchain developer you need and made an attractive job offer, choose a blockchain developer to hire.

    To do this, look for proven experience. Experience with a specific blockchain system will help immensely. What blockchain projects has the developer worked on in the past? Get a sense for their past work as this will help determine if you can rely on the them. Any reviews or testimonials of the blockchain developer will give you a better idea of their work. The shortage of professionals in this field, given the newness of the technology, has also added to the demand.

    Blockchain technology has grown from its role of being a passion to one of the most sort after technologies today. Now that the various benefits of the technology have been analysed, big businesses are jumping the bandwagon to incorporate it for gainful use in their numerous platforms. Blockchain technology is the most sought-after technology today for the various features it imparts to an application.

    Some of the most significant features of Blockchain are described in detail below. The decentralized technology offers a peer to peer operation, making use of the security that is provided by the distributed nature of Blockchain. This makes it a prominent technology in the field of finance, stock exchange and the kind.

    In an application based on Blockchain technology, the data are stored in blocks that are synchronised chronologically. These blocks cannot be operated by any single individuals, making it one of the most robust and secure piece of technology. Any change to the information on a Blockchain can be made with a huge amount of computing power only.

    Also, as the information is stored on the network, the majority should agree for the change to be reflected, making it a transparent system. Blockchain Technology is now considered to be synonymous with accountability today. Any transaction on a Blockchain can be changed only on agreement with the permission of the majority on the network, adding accountability to the operation.

    Blockchain developers are high in demand and the task of recruiting someone so sought after is no easy task.

    Hire a blockchain developer

    Freelancers have their own equipment and often work from home. All in all, it is difficult to onboard blockchain developers because they are harder to keep long-term. Their high-demand skills keep them employed with or without a full-time employment agreement.

    Most of the time then, outsourcing is the way to go. Blockchain developers are high in demand. To make blockchain developers want to take on your project, consider what you have to offer.

    Keep in mind that because their skills are in short supply, blockchain developers can demand big salaries. To get a good blockchain developer, you have to match these salaries and stay competitive. Otherwise, blockchain developers will go where the money is. Other ways to attract blockchain developers include offering plenty of perks and benefits. For example, consider offering a flexible schedule or the option to work from home. Many blockchain developers enjoy a flexible lifestyle, so a strict 9-to-5 may not suit them.

    If you hire an in-house blockchain developer, create a comfortable work environment with plenty of amenities like recreation areas, snacks, and work parties. You might also consider offering an attractive compensation package with things like continuing education classes and career advancement opportunities. Software developers want to feel they are progressing in their career, that they are not just cogs in a machine. Anything you can do to make your job offer more appealing will go a long way.

    In a market that has ample job opportunities but not enough talent, the little things count. Once you have identified the type of blockchain developer you need and made an attractive job offer, choose a blockchain developer to hire.

    To do this, look for proven experience. Experience with a specific blockchain system will help immensely. What blockchain projects has the developer worked on in the past? Get a sense for their past work as this will help determine if you can rely on the them. Any reviews or testimonials of the blockchain developer will give you a better idea of their work.

    So be sure to vet them. Ask for referrals. After vetting the blockchain developer, make sure they have the specific skills required for the job. While project requirements vary, the following programming skills are good to have for any blockchain developer:.

    In addition to finding a blockchain developer with the above skill set, you want to choose a blockchain developer whose personality and background will mesh with your company culture. Blockchain developers are different from other software developers. Typically, they have a passion for decentralized systems and even oppose traditional forms of authority.

    Since bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are newcomers to the financial sector, strong ideological forces are at play sometimes. Just keep that in mind when hiring.

    The blockchain community is small and tight-knit. So look outside the traditional job board platforms. Niche communities are the best source for potential workers. Check out online forums and networks specific to blockchain for your best chance at finding the right fit for your project.

    Only recently, have developers started learning blockchain because it is a growing industry with a lot of potential. Whereas the first blockchain developers were in it for the passion, many are jumping onboard for the massive potential return on investment ROI.

    Consider looking outside the US for a blockchain developer. You can find many in India and other countries with emerging markets.

    You may find a good fit in eastern European countries like Ukraine, which has recently become a blockchain development haven. Unlike some countries, Ukranians usually have a good command of the English language. Israel has many blockchain firms, too. Look where you would not look normally, and you might just find the perfect fit. Once you have hired your blockchain developer, you want to retain them as a worker.

    After all, blockchain developers are hard to come by. So make good on the terms of your job offer and give your blockchain developer plenty of reason to stay. They will have a lot of work opportunities elsewhere, so you need to keep the work fun and attractive. In addition to retaining blockchain developers because they are in low supply, you want to keep them because your blockchain software will need ongoing maintenance.

    You might as well have the developer who created the blockchain software also maintain and manage it. Because the technology is so new, blockchain will undoubtedly run into issues over time.

    So retaining your blockchain developer is doubly important. This marks an incredible compound annual growth rate CAGR of Undoubtedly, the market is ripe for exponential growth. He also had extensive experience within startups. He joined Juwai. Juwai has over ten million properties in its database and needs an extensive amount of servers to support its traffic.

    Anthony is an avid cryptocurrency enthusiast and got involved with Ethereum in He was mining Ethereum in AWS in as a pet project. However, Anthony did not get serious with blockchain development until mid In mid , Anthony joined Manila-based LoyalCoin as its senior blockchain developer. Anthony brought his friend Yasir onto the project, who was doing blockchain development since , and together they created the loyalcoin. The website contained a countdown, dashboard for users, contribution history, contribute page and many more.

    After leaving LoyalCoin in mid , Anthony decided to work for himself and lead his own software development agency. Winterwind has steadily gained clients since its inception, with no budget being allocated towards marketing.

    Winterwind has grown by purely through word of mouth -- customers are delivered high-quality software with good customer service and competitive prices. Winterwind has no intention of changing its way of operation, and will continue to deliver the best software possible to its clients along with good customer service. One unique feature of Winterwind is that it is open every day of the year.

    That does not mean that the resources at Winterwind work everyday, however, they are allowed to work every day if they would like to earn more.

    The majority of Winterwind developers work more than five days per week, however this is not required by our company. One of the priorities of Winterwind is that it is offering the best customer service to its clients. Winterwind's developers, including Anthony and Yasir, can be contacted any day by our clients and we will reply either immediately or as soon as we are free. Winterwind developers and manager are very accessible and we do everything we can to maintain a happy, productive and fruitful relationship with all of our clients.

    Another priority of Winterwind is that we deliver the highest quality code possible. Being that Anthony's background is a software developer, he will often personally check the developers code to ensure that it is good enough to go out.

    When Winterwind ships code, we want to ship features one time and do everything possible to avoid rework which would cost the client time and money. Rework is avoided by having approved designs in place and a clear specification on how something is expected to work.

    Have a question?

    In practice, the level of difficulty is changed every blocks. Each has established a division hire their company dedicated to incorporating blockchain into their business. If you have questions, contact us for a free consultation. Anthony developer an avid cryptocurrency enthusiast and got blockchain with Ethereum blockchain So hire can search for developer upcoming events to participate and communicate with its participants.

    How to Hire Dedicated Blockchain Developers in your Budget?

    Hire a blockchain developer

    Due to the decentralized nature of the blockchain development , many of the developers have many of their projects and are not looking for a new job. This does not mean that they will not be interested in your organization if they receive an excellent offer from you. Freelance developer or professional blockchain development company? You must understand that freelance developers are not suitable for complex solutions based on blockchain technology.

    Their tasks are to perform easy tasks and short-term projects. Naturally, you can integrate several freelancers for one project, but this option is ineffective. If you want to hire them for a long-term project, you will create many problems for yourself.

    But the key issue here is still the problem of issue between price and quality. Let us see what the pros and cons of the creation or implementation of blockchain technology from private freelancers and the development of blockchain technology together with a professional team.

    Like other software developers, developers of blockchain technology can be found on different freelance platforms. This is where you can find and hire a developer of blockchain technologies for your project. Although they are easy to find and hire, freelance developers create additional problems for blockchain business owners.

    For example, managing freelancers can be difficult if you do not have enough experience. In addition, hiring a blockchain developer on a freelance basis makes sense only if you have a short-term project. And now about the pros and cons. Work from any corner of the Earth.

    Your freelancer can work from any corner of the Earth, at any time. He does not need to come to the office, everything that you need he will perform from his home.

    No fixed salary for freelancers. How much work he will do so much you pay him. Therefore, the amount of money spent on the freelance developer may vary every month. Lack of social packages.

    Usually, between you and the freelancer, there are no obligations in the form of a voluntary health insurance policy, there are no hospital and pension benefits. That is, you are not obliged to pay the freelancer money if it does not work due to poor health. Usually, there is a friendly, respectful distance between freelancers and the customer.

    Both sides do not want to go into conflict. It is very difficult to know how experienced the person you are going to hire. You cannot control the freelancer. Since he has a free lifestyle, he can forget about ordering or choose entertainment instead of work.

    Irresponsible freelancers cannot finish the task before the deadlines. Late finishing of order slows down the work. You need to understand that the freelancer does not bind you anything, he can throw your order at half the work, your competitors can lure him, offering a large salary, he can refuse your order altogether without telling you about it, and this can slow down your ideas.

    The absence of formal agreements. Informal, verbal agreements sometimes entail unpleasant situations, for example, when a freelancer requires more money for his work than was determined before doing work. As a rule, freelancers ask for their services to create blockchain technologyless than professional companies, since they are not burdened with having to maintain an office and pay taxes.

    But the guarantees of high-quality creation of the blockchain are less, because not every freelancer, unlike a company, will enter into a full-fledged agreement with the customer for the development of blockchain technology. In this case, much is based on how the freelancer works - officially, as an individual, signing civil contracts for developing blockchain tasks, or under a personal entrepreneur agreement without employees, either informally, without setting a contractor, as an extreme option, via remote work exchanges freelance exchanges.

    In the first variant, the customer will have to pay various fees and personal income tax for the freelancer, and in the latter variant - to be prepared for the fact that the technical solution may not be completed on time or executed in an inappropriate manner. In this case, you need to understand that compensation for the loss of time and lost financial profits you will not return to yourself, the maximum that you will receive is to withdraw or not pay money for the quality of the site that does not correspond to the oral agreement most often.

    We all know that a person cannot be a professional in everything, even if we take only a narrowly focused industry. That is why freelancers are best suited to perform light, not time-consuming tasks. Therefore, if you decided to hire a freelancer, first of all, you need to evaluate his knowledge and skills in the area of activity in which he will work, and also study his portfolio, evaluate how complex projects he has done and how many orders he has.

    A professional blockchain development company gives more guarantees for the successful development of your idea. Naturally, professional companies specialize in complex solutions that require more, but the quality of such work is better than that of freelancers.

    A company specializing in the blockchain is an organization that combines mainly professional guys, each of whom is a master in his field. That means, one guy will work with SaaS, another with IoT, the third with EVM, and so on, and all of these people will be under one boss. According to Wikipedia, Blockchain, originally a blockchain, is a growing list of records, called blocks, that are linked using cryptography.

    Each block contains a cryptographic hash of the previous block, a timestamp, and transaction data generally represented as a Merkle tree. It is also known as an open distributed ledger that allows to record transactions between two parties effectively.

    Most enterprises prefer this technology, as it keeps the transactions and all the data processing in a secure and reliable manner.

    This modern technology was launched with the Cryptocurrency platform. Blockchain is in high demand and widely used technology across the world.

    If you are also looking to hire a dedicated Blockchain developer, then it is important for you to know several things. In this blog, we are detailing some important points that you should know in your hiring process.

    Again, before going ahead, to hire a Blockchain developer you have three options to hire a programmer —. Expert — if you have a high budget and your project is your high priority then you should opt for the expertise.

    An expert developer helps you to sort all the technical challenges as well as help you to launch successful solutions in the market with any difficulties. Experienced — Experienced developers are always the best choice for the industry. They are affordable and can offer ultimate solutions that can meet your and market demands. They have some years of experience and are also proficient in the development process.

    They charge less than an expert. Fresher — If you have a low budget but still want to hire a developer for your Blockchain project, then there is no better choice than a fresher. A fresher can help you to introduce your project to the market without any huge investment.

    But with freshers, you have to train your developer and have to instruct them constantly. These three are the major phases for hiring a developer for your project. Full Time — By hiring a full-time developer, you can have a professional and dedicated employee for your project. Who can provide you their skills for the project during the working nine Hours.

    Part-Time — You can hire a part-time developer for your project, which refers to hiring a developer for a particular project. Hourly Basis — The hourly basis hiring refers to hiring a developer on the basis of hours. It will help to improve productivity. Here are the essential steps which you have to focus on while hiring a Blockchain developer —. This is the foremost step that you have to sort out before hiring a developer for your project and that is to decide your project.

    But the undeniable rise in demand for them has changed that. Now, more people are learning to program blockchain because it is a promising technology with bright prospects. In early , LinkedIn included blockchain in its most in-demand hard skills for This was the first year that blockchain was at the top of the list, let alone on the list at all. The surge in demand for blockchain skills is being felt at the highest levels of networking and recruiting.

    There is huge potential in blockchain technology. Major corporations have already taken steps to implement blockchain, including Microsoft, IBM, and Facebook. Each has established a division within their company dedicated to incorporating blockchain into their business.

    If some of the largest corporations are investing in blockchain, it may not be a bad idea to follow suit. It could set your business up for the future. If you are reading this, you are probably looking to hire a blockchain developer. But the shortage of blockchain developers can make finding one especially difficult. To find the right one for you, consider the following preliminary steps:.

    If you onboard a blockchain developer, you can develop a long-term work relationship with them. This will take the stress out of finding a new blockchain developer when you need one again. At the same time, you may incur more costs from choosing to onboard.

    Think of HR, work benefits, and even the physical office and work equipment you will need to provide for your new employee. If you choose to outsource a blockchain developer, you make a short-term work commitment. Whether this is a one-off project or you simply want to test the waters with the developer, outsourcing is the more flexible option. Plus, you will save on most of the costs that come with onboarding. Freelancers have their own equipment and often work from home. All in all, it is difficult to onboard blockchain developers because they are harder to keep long-term.

    Their high-demand skills keep them employed with or without a full-time employment agreement. Most of the time then, outsourcing is the way to go. Blockchain developers are high in demand. To make blockchain developers want to take on your project, consider what you have to offer.

    Keep in mind that because their skills are in short supply, blockchain developers can demand big salaries. To get a good blockchain developer, you have to match these salaries and stay competitive. Otherwise, blockchain developers will go where the money is.

    Other ways to attract blockchain developers include offering plenty of perks and benefits. For example, consider offering a flexible schedule or the option to work from home. Many blockchain developers enjoy a flexible lifestyle, so a strict 9-to-5 may not suit them. If you hire an in-house blockchain developer, create a comfortable work environment with plenty of amenities like recreation areas, snacks, and work parties. You might also consider offering an attractive compensation package with things like continuing education classes and career advancement opportunities.

    Software developers want to feel they are progressing in their career, that they are not just cogs in a machine. Anything you can do to make your job offer more appealing will go a long way.

    Anthony Vipond: Blockchain Developer

    The decentralized technology offers a peer to peer operation, making use of the security that is provided by the distributed nature of Blockchain.

    This makes it a prominent technology in the field of finance, stock exchange and the kind. In an application based on Blockchain technology, the data are stored in blocks that are synchronised chronologically. These blocks cannot be operated by any single individuals, making it one of the most robust and secure piece of technology. Any change to the information on a Blockchain can be made with a huge amount of computing power only.

    Also, as the information is stored on the network, the majority should agree for the change to be reflected, making it a transparent system. Blockchain Technology is now considered to be synonymous with accountability today. Any transaction on a Blockchain can be changed only on agreement with the permission of the majority on the network, adding accountability to the operation. Blockchain developers are high in demand and the task of recruiting someone so sought after is no easy task.

    As Blockchain technology has had this enormous boost, in the recent times, you would need to have new tactics out to find the best.

    Before you embark on the task to find the best blockchain professional for your project, have some of these basic facts straight. These factors are dependent on the type of your organisation, your company and project culture and the work for which you are hiring for. Depending on the nature and length of the project, you can opt for a collaboration, outsource the project, hire an expert or train your team to expertise on Blockchain.

    Blockchain as a commercial interest is relatively new, hence the workforce in the technology has a majority of enthusiasts who are in it for the passion of developing unique and resourceful projects instead of money. The experienced and more talented blockchain developers should also be an expert in the following programming concepts:.

    For any computer programming language, the syntax is essential to run the programming successfully. Syntax refers to the set of rules with specific symbols to develop the structured program and which can be used for any functionality of the computer software. The blockchain developers must know the proper syntax for all the required programming languages. For example, the syntax of for loops, while loops, logical operators, arithmetic operators, switch statements, and many more, should be known to the blockchain developers.

    OOPS refers to an object-oriented programming structure, Here the concept is based on the objects and organized accordingly. The objects are categorized into classes which allow each object to be grouped. With the help of the OOPS concept, the blockchain developers can update any object without altering any other object. So the knowledge of the OOPS concept is required for the blockchain developers. Multi-Threading is the concept of concurrently running threads or pieces of the program to utilize the CPU.

    The blockchain developers need to have strong knowledge to implement multi-threading concept in blockchain software development. Socket programming is used to have a connection between the two nodes in the network. It helps to communicate with each other. A socket object is created to connect the client with the server. When it gets connected, the server also creates the socket program from the other end to get connected with the client.

    The blockchain is based on encryption and decryption techniques to transfer the data over the network securely. Both are the cryptography techniques used to encrypt and decrypt the data while transferring over the network. Encryption:- Converting the plain text to cipher text or unreadable text Decryption:- Converting the ciphertext back to plain text at the receiver end.

    It is the particular set of skills and amount of knowledge that make a blockchain programmer stand out of the crowd. In short, every blockchain developer must have a good understanding of blockchains concept, cryptography and cryptocurrencies, decentralized technologies, ledgers, the Ethereum network, ledgers, data security, and different programming languages.

    Smart contracts are also considered to be the basic package in this field of development because even though these are related to the financial apps in most cases, understanding of this technology clarifies the general way crypto-world operates so helps with developing the right product.

    Below we offer you a more complete answer with the details on every skill or tool a professional blockchain developer should have or know. Then search for an individual that:. The data structure is the foundation of every app regardless of its connection to the blockchain. So choose a developer that knows and has worked with linked lists, hash tables, and acyclic graphs.

    Data security and encryption are among the top skill requirements for blockchain experts because every loss means leakage of information to the competition.

    In terms of security look for:. Besides the general knowledge and understanding of a full-stack developer, a blockchain expert needs to know specific blockchain concepts and also have experience in operating them. So here is the short dictionary for a blockchain developer:. There is a wide range of blockchain tools a developer needs, and their set depends on the project goals and team preferences.

    However, there are the basic tools that a blockchain developer should be familiar with:. These factors are worth consideration for the company before you think about how to hire a programmer for a startup or an enterprise. These are not related to the qualities, abilities, or skillset of a particular blockchain developer, yet they heavily impact the kind and number of blockchain experts you will get.

    A single developer is a great option if you have a small task to complete, or you lost a valuable team member recently and need to fill in the spot for some time. An experienced blockchain developer can also become a great asset whenever you need to get the process started; in this case, the hired developer will set the tone and path of the work, create a plan, and give every team member their goals to make the development work.

    A team of blockchain experts is an option for large-scale projects that have many tasks. Alternatively, a team can also complete a small task in a shorter timeframe but such services would cost more than the average task market price, so be ready for that. Whenever you are planning to hire a whole team of blockchain developers, keep in mind that having the people who work in your time zone is much more beneficial than those who get to work when you already go to sleep. There is a great difference in the search parameters when it comes to in-house onboarding of a new developer as opposed to outsourcing blockchain development.

    In-house development is a perfect solution for large firms that have short-term as well as long-term goals when it comes to software development. On-boarding is also beneficial when a team can specifically define which particular expert or knowledge is missing to complete the cycle; in this case, the company can search for the exact candidate to fill the gap. Yet, be ready that the search for a perfect fit, in this case, will take some time.

    Outsourced blockchain development can come in two formats: blockchain freelance developer and an outsourcing company. The former is good and beneficial for short-term projects that require urgent or task-driven results.

    The latter can fulfill every need: from a single developer hired for a particular task to a team of blockchain experts that either take up on a task or merge with the existing in-house development team to closely work together on the set goals.

    Of course, even the best outsourcing companies will need some time to understand your needs and requirements and adjust their offer. However, due to the extensively broad supporting staff as well as team members, they are able to select just the right skills and minds for a particular project in a much shorter time frame.

    Moreover, while in-house teams might find extra blockers on the way to success, outsourcing companies tend to meet the agreed deadlines much more often.

    Juwai has over ten million properties in its database and needs an extensive amount of servers to support its traffic. Anthony is an avid cryptocurrency enthusiast and got involved with Ethereum in He was mining Ethereum in AWS in as a pet project. However, Anthony did not get serious with blockchain development until mid In mid , Anthony joined Manila-based LoyalCoin as its senior blockchain developer.

    Anthony brought his friend Yasir onto the project, who was doing blockchain development since , and together they created the loyalcoin. The website contained a countdown, dashboard for users, contribution history, contribute page and many more. After leaving LoyalCoin in mid , Anthony decided to work for himself and lead his own software development agency.

    Winterwind has steadily gained clients since its inception, with no budget being allocated towards marketing. Winterwind has grown by purely through word of mouth -- customers are delivered high-quality software with good customer service and competitive prices. Winterwind has no intention of changing its way of operation, and will continue to deliver the best software possible to its clients along with good customer service.

    One unique feature of Winterwind is that it is open every day of the year. That does not mean that the resources at Winterwind work everyday, however, they are allowed to work every day if they would like to earn more. The majority of Winterwind developers work more than five days per week, however this is not required by our company. One of the priorities of Winterwind is that it is offering the best customer service to its clients.

    Winterwind's developers, including Anthony and Yasir, can be contacted any day by our clients and we will reply either immediately or as soon as we are free. Winterwind developers and manager are very accessible and we do everything we can to maintain a happy, productive and fruitful relationship with all of our clients. Another priority of Winterwind is that we deliver the highest quality code possible.

    Being that Anthony's background is a software developer, he will often personally check the developers code to ensure that it is good enough to go out. When Winterwind ships code, we want to ship features one time and do everything possible to avoid rework which would cost the client time and money.

    Rework is avoided by having approved designs in place and a clear specification on how something is expected to work. With the design and functionality being clear, Winterwind's developers have what they need to code something right the first time. Rework is avoided and the team can then move onto the next feature the client desires.

    Ivan is an experienced IT professional with a unique combination of technical, consulting, and management skills.

    He's participated as an individual contributor Python, Java, C , consultant, architect, and manager on numerous projects of different sizes—from one-person shows to projects involving larger teams spanning globally.

    Ivan is also a keen open-source developer—contributing several smaller utilities and libraries. Paul is a well-rounded full-stack developer passionate about developing quality software. He focuses on building products and his diverse skill set allows him to tackle any challenge. His preferred front-end technology is React, while on the back-end he has experience with Spring Framework and Ruby on Rails.

    Faister is an experienced developer and system analyst who now specializes in JavaScript back-end development. He is comfortable working with many languages and platforms and has recently dedicated himself to developing back-end applications using Node. He also has some experience with blockchain technology and a master's degree in applied mathematics. With over a decade in the software industry, Tadej has helped startups launch their first product, assisted FTSE enterprises with digital transformation, been a part of the fintech boom, and helped particle accelerators cool down.

    He loves creating scalable back ends and is an expert in crafting modern and performant mobile, web, and desktop apps. Felix is a mathematician Ph. He currently works from Europe as an advisor to his own startup and as a freelance researcher, software engineer, data scientist, and trainer.

    Satyanarayana is a senior software engineer with over eight years of experience working in various technology stacks and knowledge domains ranging from big-scale back-end systems to Android native apps. He is eager to take on new challenges and has done so with teams of all sizes and compositions. Furkan is an experienced Java developer who has worked on various projects, including online payment solutions and fraud detection areas in a well-known airline company.

    In his projects, he uses Heroku Cloud. He co-founded a startup to discover talents from the open-source community. After one year, he successfully exited from his startup. Blockchain Developer Job Description Template Blockchain developers have a strong mix of skills in the areas of computer networking, cryptography, and algorithms and data structures. Hire a Top Blockchain Developer Now. Engineering Technology. Engineering Back-end.

    View All Blockchain Posts. Read Hiring Guide. Read the Questions. See Their Profiles. View Full Profile.

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