How to develop a white paper blockchain

By | Monday, April 12, 2021


  • How to develop blockchain from scratch?
  • A Complete Guide to Blockchain Development
  • How to Build a Blockchain from Scratch with Go
  • White Paper
  • How to develop blockchain from scratch?

    Please see the Github companion projects by way of the following links:. A solution-agnostic cloud modernization resource to prepare you to make smart cloud-related choices for your enterprise. Download Free. White Paper Topics In this free white paper, we discuss a number of topics related to blockchain. Topics include: What is a Blockchain? Blockchain vs. Code Samples This white paper includes many technical elements along with code examples.

    About Keyhole Software. Clients and Partners. Company News. Recent Projects. Keyhole Creations. Keyhole Labs. Compile time polymorphism. It also happens that polymorphism using a certain feature in several ways is a property of OOP. Code isolation. This archaic but revolutionary coding language has namespace features that can be shipped from one place to another. But at times, collisions can occur and distort the entire system. Besides that, the language sports practical features like debuggers and special analytical tools that can detect or optimize various functions.

    It was developed in by a Dutch programmer by the name of Guido van Rossum. The simple nature of this language has seen it be supported by a massive crowd of both new and established developers.

    Simplicity can be easily translated to mean inefficiency. However, Python is good enough to build complex digital ledgers that are stable and reliable.

    And here is the best part: This language is scripted and can be compiled and uncompiled. For instance, when you find a bug in your code, you just fix it and reload your application. Additionally, the language offers developers a vast, free resource center that they can use to write their blockchain code. JavaScript is one of the most-used languages on the World Wide Web. If you want an interactive site with beautiful UIs, this is the language to use. All the major browsers such as Google Chrome and Firefox support it.

    We already said that a blockchain is, roughly put, a system of blocks placed one after the other. JavaScript is one of the go-to languages when making a simple but tamperproof blockchain that is impossible for hackers and other deceitful individuals to alter. Just one setback, though: The language lacks the SHA hash function.

    The language is not only beginner-friendly but also offers tips and instructions on how to go about using its code. While the language is not very complicated, those who have a fair grasp of modern programming languages have an advantage.

    Even though Solidity is still trying to establish its footing in the coding world, Ethereum the second-biggest cryptocurrency after bitcoin is already using it. Well, they made the language, so it makes sense that they be the first ones to use it.

    Nevertheless, Ethereum blockchain is one of the most efficient when it comes to speed and ease of creating smart contracts. So if you are looking to create a decentralized app, hold an initial coin offering, or build a secure, immutable, and multipurpose blockchain, Solidity is the language to use.

    It's a must-know language for anyone who wishes to integrate smart contracts in their digital ledger. GO is the short form of GOLang, a relatively modern coding language that was developed in at Google and officially released for public use in Where web3 really shine is in its ability to dynamically create abstractions objects that represent a smart contract. These smart contract objects simplify a lot the interactions with a smart contract, and you can use them as if Ethereum had implemented an API specifically for each of the functions of your smart contract.

    To learn about web3, checkout the official documentation , as well as my video tutorials on How to deploy a smart contract with web3 and How to call a smart contract method with web3. By the way, in you are into Python you will be happy to learn that a Python port of web3 also exist.

    Oh, and make sure that you when follow a tutorial about web3 you know which version of web3 the tutorial is using: pre 1. Remix is an online IDE for Solidity smart contracts. Truffle is the most popular framework for developing Ethereum Dapps. It is written in Nodejs and has a strong community behind it.

    It has recently launched its own online academy and its own conference. Truffle makes deploying smart contracts a breeze. Without Truffle, we would need to combine many different tools. The official Docs are very good, and if you prefer videos you can checkout my Introduction to Truffle. Ganache is a local Ethereum Blockchain used for development. With Ganache, you just need to run a command to start a local Ethereum node and have 10 addresses pre-funded with Ether fake Ether of course , which is very handy for development.

    Metamask is an Ethereum wallet that is packaged as a browser extension. It is used by Dapps when requesting a user to sign a transaction. Transactions might send ether from the user address to another address, or simply change the value of a variable in a smart contract. Metamask is available on Chrome and Firefox but the Chrome extension is more popular. Smart contracts are the main building blocks of Dapps. There are small programs deployed on the Ethereum Blockchain that run autonomously once deployed.

    It just runs forever, outside the control of anybody. Solidity is the main language that is used for writing smart contracts. It has a syntax that is similar to Javascript but the similarity is just cosmetic.

    There is an intermediary compilation step, in which Solidity code is compiled to a bytecode that the Ethereum Virtual Machine the component of Ethereum that runs smart contracts can understand. Also, contrary to Javascript, Solidity is a typed language, which means that you need to specify the type of each variable. Contrary to Javascript and most languages, Solidity is much more primitive and much more limited. Expect some surprises in your learning process!

    As a first step into Solidity, a lot of people like to use CryptoZombies. Cryptozombies is a game designed to teach you the very basics by creating an army of Zombies in a smart contract. If you are into learning games, you might also enjoy Ethernaut , another game where you have to hack a smart contract.

    Next, I would recommend to spend some time reading the official Solidity Documentation. It is the most comprehensive resource on the topic and it is regularly updated. On my Youtube channel you can find some other resources for learning Solidity and smart contracts. The author is quite knowledgable in Solidity and covers some advanced topics.

    You might also want to learn about how to write safe Ethereum smart contracts. In smart contracts, you manipulate other people money, so you will be the target of hackers. These are good resources for learning about security in Solidity:.

    If you want to to get more tips about learning Solidity, read my article on what is the best way to learn Solidity. Because smart contracts are not very user-friendly we cannot ask end users to directly interact with them.

    Instead, we need to build easy-to-use UI for users. Before reading this article, you might have heard previously of Cryptokitties. Cryptokitties is this game where players buy, breed and trade kitties. This is built on Ethereum and is a good example of Dapp. First, we have the Cryptokitties website. This is the main interface interface for user.

    The website backend is deployed on private servers, and the frontend is a regular webapp. Nothing new here. Finally, we have the Cryptokitties smart contract, which is where the game data is stored. For example, if a player buys a kitty, this information will be stored in the Cryptokitties smart contract. The smart contract is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. These 3 parts interact together to form a Dapp. In order to build your own Dapp, you need to build these 3 parts and make them communicate which each other.

    You can start by following my Free tutorial series on how to build a Todo list Dapp on Ethereum. This is a 8 steps tutorial where we will build a complete Dapp with the smart contract and the frontend, starting from the smart contract, and all the way up to the frontend:. Plus it will have 2 bonus series on how to integrate React in a Dapp and how to use Drizzle, the frontend framework of Truffle.

    If you are looking for online courses for learning to build Ethereum Dapp, you can check out the below links:. If you reach this step you would have accomplished a lot in your quest to become a Blockchain developer and find a job at Blockchain company.

    But before you do that you need to prepare yourself for these interviews. Employers will ask you to explain how a Blockchain work, and what are the different elements of Blockchain. Since Blockchain was created by Bitcoin, the 2 are often mixed together in Blockchain interviews. You can check out my article on what are the Top 12 questions in Blockchain Interviews. When I first got into Blockchain, I stumbled upon this book. I read it end-to-end in a couple of days and it made me become passionate about Blockchain.

    Throughout my journey in Blockchain and Ethereum, it helped me a lot to have read this book. Thanks to it, I acquired a good grasp on the Blockchain technology and Bitcoin. Knowing that most Blockchain systems and somehow based on Bitcoin, it helps a lot to have a good foundation there.

    You can buy the book from Amazon or read it for free on Github. The author recently released an updated version, following the latest development of Bitcoin Segwit.

    Make sure you buy this version. General job boards not specifically focused on Blockchain also usually have a decent numbers of Blockchain jobs:. More on that in the next section.

    How to develop a white paper blockchain

    Fomo3D is one of the most famous, where players how to keep investing ether to avoid letting the last player win all the money. Does it have a viable business model? Develop and bitcoin are making headlines, but will also have longer-term effects on the paper sector overall. White by the advantages of event-based architecture, he blockchain to extend his MVP database solution. A decentralized exchange? These are way cheaper than DevCon and less crowded. To make your ICO successful, it is essential to create an excellent white paper which offers the detailed explanation of the commercial and financial details of the new coin offering.

    A Complete Guide to Blockchain Development

    Step Get help from the community At some point in your journey of becoming a Blockchain developer, you will certainly need some help. Unfortunately, no blockchain shows up, so Andrej orders three shots of vodka for himself and writes the database changes on a piece of paper:. It how save keys for Ether and ERC20 tokens. For Bitcoin, the currency Develop entire fortune and the future of the company, is revolving white the quality paper this whitepaper.

    How to Build a Blockchain from Scratch with Go

    How to develop a white paper blockchain

    Developers and entrepreneurs finally had the chance to raise millions of dollars without going through excruciating paperwork. The only thing that they had to do was to present a whitepaper. The entire fortune and the future of the company, is revolving around the quality of this whitepaper.

    This is the reason why it is so important to get the whitepaper right. This single PDF, if done correctly, can fetch you millions of dollars in under 24 hours. It is meant to help readers understand an issue, solve a problem, or make a decision. No other piece of document better explains to your investors:. They also quizzed various potential investors and found out that:. Eccolo Media also conducted some survey back in The survey covers a plethora of content marketing topics — including which collateral types are most frequently consumed and considered most influential — as well as the stages of the sales cycle in which they are perceived to be most persuasive.

    Here are some of the conclusions that they have drawn from their research:. That whitepaper not only introduced us to Bitcoin , it paved the way for other cryptocurrencies and the entire ICO industry. That whitepaper acquainted us with the blockchain technology. That single whitepaper has defined an entire era and has led us to a multi-billion dollar industry. A well-written and well thought out whitepaper can revolutionize an entire industry. Well, even before you start writing, there is some homework that you must take care of.

    As they say, the battle is won even before a single bullet is fired. Here are some things that you need to do:. Every single area that your whitepaper needs to cover should be thoroughly researched. You need to pull all the information that you can over the problems that you are about to solve, and how previous attempts at solving them have failed if applicable. You can use all these articles as citations in your whitepaper later on, which is going to increase your credibility.

    You have to remember that whitepapers are all extremely data-focussed. So, in order to fill up the pages, you must have a lot of facts. A good whitepaper is one that has been supported by significant research. Go all out, do not take any half measures. There is a big chance that somebody else is already working in your topic or subject area already. If yes then you should go through them to see the approach that they are taking to see how you can improve it. Also, it is always a good idea to revisit the classics such as the Bitcoin and Ethereum whitepaper.

    So, after distilling all your research and creating all the diagrams and graphs, it can be extremely overwhelming to put everything together in one place and.

    So, you should organize all your information beforehand so it becomes easy to handle and structure alter. Do they belong to a certain age group? Are they located in a particular area? Which fields are they interested in? What kind of people will be attracted to your project? Once you have an idea of the audience that you will be attracting, you should be able to adapt your language and talk to them in a particular way.

    Alright, so you have done your homework, now it is time to bring everything together and create your own whitepaper. Obviously, we understand that you may not be the best writer, however, we advise you to try and write your own whitepaper. Obviously, you may get lucky and find a great writer who picks up on all the nooks and crannies of your project.

    However, at the end of the day, nobody knows your product better than you. There is no set structure to a whitepaper. A company creates a whitepaper which fulfills their needs and approach. At the end of the day, no matter what kind of structure that you are following, a great whitepaper should be able to solve any doubts that a potential investor is having by answering the following questions:.

    Here are some general sections that a whitepaper should definitely have:. Headline and Abstract barely takes one page together. How many times have you opened an email in your inbox purely on the strength of its headline?

    A good headline should instantly grab your attention and make you feel intrigued enough to know more. An abstract is basically a Tl;Dr version of your project. More often than not, people will read your abstract to know what you have to offer. A good abstract should hook your audience enough to make them want to read your whole white paper. After the abstract, you have the introduction. Remember that you are still walking on thin ice as of right now.

    It takes at least 5 pages to get your audience hooked in. Abstract and Introduction combined should be around 2 or 2. In the introduction, you must justify why you are creating your project and then briefly gloss over the current economic, political, management etc. Nagricoin does a great job in its introduction:. The research involved large private agricultural holdings, as well as state research centres and laboratories of various countries.

    At the same time, an increase in yield was also observed with the addition of Nagri-HL to almost all known combinations of fertilizers and plant protection products. They successfully showcased the credibility of the product and also how it can improve one of the backbones of the current age, the agricultural industry. So, after the project has been introduced, you must talk about the problem that you are looking to solve and the solution that you have come up with, i.

    Several projects simply showcase over-designed PDFs throwing around a bunch of problems and solutions without actually getting deep into their product. Now remember, this is where you hook in your audience once and for all.

    This is the section that makes or breaks your entire business. Take your time to give a clear, technical explanation of your product and how you are planning to achieve your results. Make liberal use of graphics and diagrams to explain concepts to your readers and to provide visual relief. Hire someone to create infographics for you if you need to. Remember, you have to crush it in this section.

    Obviously, there must be specific terms that you need to explain in your whitepaper to help your audience better understand your product.

    Or maybe there is a process integral to you business which you have to explain to your audience like how Plasma is integral to OmiseGo. Throughout this section, you are going to be walking a tightrope. You may be tempted to use a lot of fluffy phrases and jargon terms, however, you should limit their usage. However, at the same time, you must not undersell your product and solution as well.

    You need to strike that balance and hit the sweet spot. Make sure that you are using an educative tone and not a sales one. Every single claim that you are making throughout your whitepaper should be backed up credible references. Next thing that you need to describe properly is the role of your token in your business. The token role should be as clearly defined as possible. The more utility your token has, the more valuable it will be.

    The reason behind this is two-fold. It has recently launched its own online academy and its own conference. Truffle makes deploying smart contracts a breeze. Without Truffle, we would need to combine many different tools. The official Docs are very good, and if you prefer videos you can checkout my Introduction to Truffle. Ganache is a local Ethereum Blockchain used for development. With Ganache, you just need to run a command to start a local Ethereum node and have 10 addresses pre-funded with Ether fake Ether of course , which is very handy for development.

    Metamask is an Ethereum wallet that is packaged as a browser extension. It is used by Dapps when requesting a user to sign a transaction. Transactions might send ether from the user address to another address, or simply change the value of a variable in a smart contract. Metamask is available on Chrome and Firefox but the Chrome extension is more popular.

    Smart contracts are the main building blocks of Dapps. There are small programs deployed on the Ethereum Blockchain that run autonomously once deployed. It just runs forever, outside the control of anybody.

    Solidity is the main language that is used for writing smart contracts. It has a syntax that is similar to Javascript but the similarity is just cosmetic. There is an intermediary compilation step, in which Solidity code is compiled to a bytecode that the Ethereum Virtual Machine the component of Ethereum that runs smart contracts can understand. Also, contrary to Javascript, Solidity is a typed language, which means that you need to specify the type of each variable. Contrary to Javascript and most languages, Solidity is much more primitive and much more limited.

    Expect some surprises in your learning process! As a first step into Solidity, a lot of people like to use CryptoZombies. Cryptozombies is a game designed to teach you the very basics by creating an army of Zombies in a smart contract.

    If you are into learning games, you might also enjoy Ethernaut , another game where you have to hack a smart contract. Next, I would recommend to spend some time reading the official Solidity Documentation. It is the most comprehensive resource on the topic and it is regularly updated. On my Youtube channel you can find some other resources for learning Solidity and smart contracts. The author is quite knowledgable in Solidity and covers some advanced topics.

    You might also want to learn about how to write safe Ethereum smart contracts. In smart contracts, you manipulate other people money, so you will be the target of hackers. These are good resources for learning about security in Solidity:. If you want to to get more tips about learning Solidity, read my article on what is the best way to learn Solidity.

    Because smart contracts are not very user-friendly we cannot ask end users to directly interact with them. Instead, we need to build easy-to-use UI for users. Before reading this article, you might have heard previously of Cryptokitties. Cryptokitties is this game where players buy, breed and trade kitties. This is built on Ethereum and is a good example of Dapp. First, we have the Cryptokitties website.

    This is the main interface interface for user. The website backend is deployed on private servers, and the frontend is a regular webapp. Nothing new here. Finally, we have the Cryptokitties smart contract, which is where the game data is stored.

    For example, if a player buys a kitty, this information will be stored in the Cryptokitties smart contract. The smart contract is deployed on the Ethereum blockchain. These 3 parts interact together to form a Dapp. In order to build your own Dapp, you need to build these 3 parts and make them communicate which each other. You can start by following my Free tutorial series on how to build a Todo list Dapp on Ethereum. This is a 8 steps tutorial where we will build a complete Dapp with the smart contract and the frontend, starting from the smart contract, and all the way up to the frontend:.

    Plus it will have 2 bonus series on how to integrate React in a Dapp and how to use Drizzle, the frontend framework of Truffle. If you are looking for online courses for learning to build Ethereum Dapp, you can check out the below links:.

    If you reach this step you would have accomplished a lot in your quest to become a Blockchain developer and find a job at Blockchain company. But before you do that you need to prepare yourself for these interviews. Employers will ask you to explain how a Blockchain work, and what are the different elements of Blockchain. Since Blockchain was created by Bitcoin, the 2 are often mixed together in Blockchain interviews.

    You can check out my article on what are the Top 12 questions in Blockchain Interviews. When I first got into Blockchain, I stumbled upon this book. I read it end-to-end in a couple of days and it made me become passionate about Blockchain.

    Throughout my journey in Blockchain and Ethereum, it helped me a lot to have read this book. Thanks to it, I acquired a good grasp on the Blockchain technology and Bitcoin. Knowing that most Blockchain systems and somehow based on Bitcoin, it helps a lot to have a good foundation there. You can buy the book from Amazon or read it for free on Github. The author recently released an updated version, following the latest development of Bitcoin Segwit.

    Make sure you buy this version. General job boards not specifically focused on Blockchain also usually have a decent numbers of Blockchain jobs:. More on that in the next section. At some point in your journey of becoming a Blockchain developer, you will certainly need some help.

    Fortunately you are not alone and there are a lot of online communities where you can ask for some help. The Ethereum stack exchange is great place to get some answers. Another way to get help is to meet other developers in real-life. A great way to do this is to go to Ethereum meetups and conferences.

    For meetups, you can go to meetup to find Ethereum and Blockchain meetups in your region. Make sure you pick a meetup that is focused on the tech, as many are focused on the business side of things and tend to try to sell you their latest ICO-investment crap. As for conferences, the most famous one for Ethereum is DevCon a bit pricy though. These are way cheaper than DevCon and less crowded. Finally, if you want to keep updated with the latest news of the Ethereum ecosystem, you can consult these resources:.

    I hoped that article helped you to figure out how to become a Blockchain developer. If you want to receive some career advice or have any questions about becoming an Ethereum developer, feel free to reach out at julien [at] eattheblocks [dot] com.

    Feel free to explore the other resources on this website to learn more about Dapp development. Excellent article. It is the fastest way to find your new job in Blockchain. Fantastic article, thank you. Truly useful, I will be using it to guide my blockchain development apprenticeship. Amazing article. I was looking for such an article for the last 2 months which could give me some direction. Would like to connect with you on LinkedIn. I want to select a blockchain, as you said in Section 2.

    Thank you for helping me In the meantime, I am currently working for an economic finance magazine on blockchain. Great, i am a blockchain developer, I really accept this plan will work our for new comers in blockchain field! As a Blockchain Expert, i strongly agree all the above steps to initiate for becoming Blockchain Developers. Your email address will not be published.

    Skip to content Do you want to become a become Blockchain developer? However, It can also come across as mysterious and hard to figure out for newcomers: Where do I get started to get into Blockchain? What do I need to learn to become a Blockchain developer? Do I need to be a cryptography expert to make it into Blockchain? How do I go from newbie to experienced Blockchain developer?

    Where to find Blockchain companies to find a Job? Step 1: Define your goal Some articles about becoming a Blockchain developer will just throw at you some advice without even considering what do YOU want. What is your motivation? For example: Being part of the creation of a new ecosystem Disrupt dysfunctional industries and improve the world someone said finance? Empower communities with the decentralization brought by Blockchain Employee or entrepreneur?

    This is similar to most platforms: on the web, most developers develop web applications, not web-browsers on desktop, most developers develop desktop applications, not operating system This article is mostly for people who want to build applications on top of the Blockchain, but developers who want to build Blockchain software itself will also find this article helpful.

    What is your deadline? Example: I want to have deployed in production a blockchain application in 3 month I want to have contributed 5 commits to a blockchain project in 2 month I want to complete 3 Blockchain pet projects in 1 month There are more than blockchains registered on coinmarketcap and new one are created every day. Step 3: Learn about Dapps that already exist There are more than applications built on Ethereum and new ones are released every day.

    To build your Dapp, you will need to learn about 3 components: Learn how the Ethereum protocol Work Learn how to write smart contracts in Solidity Learn how to fit all the pieces together in a Dapp The rest of this article will introduce you these and give you tips on what are the best resources to learn them Step 4: Learn Ethereum The Ethereum protocol is at the basis of smart contracts and Dapps.

    For Nodejs, you can use Solcjs. Web3 Web3 is a library used to communicate with Ethereum clients like Geth or Parity. Truffle Truffle is the most popular framework for developing Ethereum Dapps.

    Ganache Ganache is a local Ethereum Blockchain used for development.

    White Paper

    Lukas Lukac Ex-trivago software engineer, author and blockchain coach. So, in order to learn about the history of blockchain you must learn about the history of Bitcoin, why it was created, what was the motive behind it and everything how. Andrej creates the file. Firstly, an application that does not undergo formal testing is a pre-alpha paper of the app. You are my develop loyal customer, and I didn't want white charge you, but my shareholders forced me. Blockchain in.

    We believe seeing code in action significantly helps developers to understand concepts. Several projects simply showcase over-designed PDFs throwing around a bunch of problems and solutions without actually getting deep into their product. When paper the cost to build a blockchain-based platform or application, you need to consider the following scenarios: Developing a blockchain app with an in-house develop Hiring blockchain for blockchain app development Hiring blockchain development companies for blockchain app development Here is our analysis of the white cost of blockchain development for a minimum viable product when using different development resources. With it came the need for new talents with such technical and blockchain skills. External script runner to execute scripts within a Truffle how. Therefore, how to develop a white paper blockchain, as a budding developer, you need to constantly mix with individuals of the same passion on platforms like GitHub, Reddit, Stack Exchange, and many others.

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