Learning blockchain development reddit

By | Thursday, April 15, 2021


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    Ethereum 2. Have questions? Decypher Media also posts talks, whitepaper reviews, and tutorials. If there's a disagreement of interest behind a referenced blockchain, the reader learning always development informed. While I recommend running your own node, reddit even wrote a long article about reddit Geth, I have to admit using blockchain service is the more widespread practice. Karl Floersch learning a great development where he walks through how to build a secure commit-reveal voting system.

    Learning blockchain development reddit

    Like so many knowledge quests, there are plenty of avenues to your final destination. These two technologies underlie all blockchain platforms, though each uses different algorithms. Both will give a kind of grounding. While it is not important to learn the specifics of any algorithm, but concepts like the web-of-trust, how cryptographic hashes protect data, and key hygiene are the ones necessary for blockchain.

    It can be hard to learn, depending on your level of experience. If you have taken some computer science courses, then it will be a lot easier.

    It becomes an endless stream of other related subjects and knowledge that you can learn. The mechanics of the system is merely the top layer. Stylianos Kampakis , CEO of The Tesseract Academy, points out that blockchain education requires a bit more forethought than simply how you want to apply it.

    Right now there are multiple competing blockchains and frameworks, some of which support established languages e. I would look towards free courses.

    If someone is already proficient at writing code, learning to code blockchain is not difficult. Engage in coding forums on web sites such as Stack Overflow, Reddit, or run local Meetups to share and help other developers to get into the domain. Your engagement will not only sharpen your skill sets, but it brings visibility from potential employers seeking such skills, and doors will open for you for more rewarding opportunities.

    It is highly recommended that you go through our comprehensive glossary. It is important to learn these basic terms otherwise you will be very lost further on in your education. Now, up next, it is time to educate yourself some more on the technical aspects of the blockchain. If you are interested in the technical aspects of how to create a fin-tech application on top of the Blockchain then you should definitely learn the ins and outs of crypto-economics.

    This difference in knowledge is extremely apparent when you study some of these ICOs floating around. So, in light of that, it can be a good idea to read up a bit on economics and have a general idea of it.

    If you want to learn about crypto-economics in general, then you may check out our article here. If you are intrigued by the cryptography specifically and want to know how signatures work and what public-key cryptography means, then read this. After that, it is highly recommended that you understand how bitcoin works.

    You can even call it the finest example of what the blockchain technology can achieve purely because of the impact that it has had. You can find it over here. Now that completes the first milestone. How can you possibly innovate and improve upon a platform when you have not used it even once?

    Go to Coinbase or any other exchange that you are comfortable with or is accessible in your country and buy some coins. It is extremely straightforward. Since you are not going to be buying a lot of coins then simply use a basic online wallet. These wallets are the easiest to use among all.

    Furthermore, you can access this wallet from any server or any device in the world as long as it is connected to the net. Having said that, there is one big problem when it comes to online wallets. Your private key is going to be saved on another server.

    This is basically like serving up your key to hackers on a silver platter. Do NOT use online wallets to store huge amounts of your money. Store the bare minimum that you need for exchange purposes. As you create an extensive portfolio, you must learn how to utilize cold wallets to store your money. You can learn how to do so here. As a blockchain developer, you will face tons of challenges in the back-end.

    Creating and maintaining a public blockchain is not easy because of a number of reasons. Blockchains, as David Schwartz puts it, should be fortresses. Firstly, the code is public and open for all to see. Anyone can look at the code and check for bugs and vulnerabilities. However, unlike other open code resources, the downside of finding vulnerabilities on blockchain code is massive. Any programmer can hack in and get away with potentially millions and millions of dollars.

    Because of these legitimate security concerns, development on the blockchain is usually very slow. It is important to keep pace with the network. You cannot fall too far behind and not keep up with all the network demands. You should be well equipped to handle remote and local queries. The blockchain must always perform at its highest possible capabilities, but for that to happen the language chosen must be extremely versatile. All that you need for signature verification is the key, transaction, and signature.

    With just three data you can conduct verifications in a parallelized manner. However, not all the functions on a blockchain should be done that way. Think of transaction execution itself. Some languages are good at parallel operations while some are good in non-parallel operations. That is called deterministic behavior.

    So, in blockchain development, all transaction operations must be deterministic. You cannot have a transaction that behaves one way and then behaves another way the next day. Similarly, you cannot have smart contracts that work in two different ways on two different machines.

    The only solution to this is isolation. Basically, you isolate your smart contracts and transactions from non-deterministic elements. There are some languages that fulfill most of these needs. Javascript is usually used to create highly interactive web pages. How do we make a block? What does a simple block consist of?

    Before we continue. You need to understand certain terms that we are going to use in our program:. Ok, so this right here is out a block.

    So, in the first line of the code, we called the crypto-js library because the sha hash function is not available in JavaScript. Next, we invoked a constructor inside the class to call for objects which will have certain values. The thing that probably catches your eye is the calculateHash function. In a block, we take all the contents and hash them to get the hash of that particular block. We are using the JSON. Ok, so we have the block ready and good to go.

    So, the moment a new chain is created, the genesis block is invoked immediately. Firstly, we will need to know what the last block in the blockchain currently is.

    For that we use the getLatestBlock function. So, what is happening here? How are we adding the blocks? How are we checking if the given block is valid or not? So, what we are going to do here is simple. Compare the previous hash value of the new block with the hash value of the latest block. If these two values match, then this means that the new block is legit and it gets added to the blockchain.

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    I've got bored and my brain could not understand yet what they are saying 'cause it was too technical. For that we blockchain the getLatestBlock function. As a result of which, smart contract functionality needs to development three things:. Some of those features and learning are Reddit are just really damn cool. DApps blockchain of development parts reddit a front-end learning and a back-end part.

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    Learning blockchain development reddit

    Cryptocurrencies can derive many security properties through their economic structures, which is often termed cryptoeconomics. As such, economics is essential to understanding cryptocurrencies. The most important branch of economics that plays into cryptocurrencies is game theory , the study of payoffs and incentives among multiple agents. Two key concepts in your repertoire should be Nash equilibria and Schelling points , as they feature prominently in cryptoeconomic analysis.

    Cryptocurrencies are not just protocols, they are also forms of money. As such, they respond to the laws of macroeconomics if they can be called laws. Cryptocurrencies are subject to different monetary policies , and respond predictably to inflation and deflation. You should understand these processes and the effects they have on spending, saving, etc. Another valuable economic concept is the velocity of money , especially as it corresponds to valuing a currency.

    Cryptocurrencies are also deeply interwoven with markets, which requires an understanding of microeconomics. For many coin distributions and cryptoeconomic systems, auction theory features prominently.

    If you are, feel free to skim or skip over them entirely. In October of , Satoshi Nakamoto published a white paper in which he described a protocol for a decentralized digital currency. He called this protocol Bitcoin. First, I recommend building your intuitions about proof-of-work and the fork choice rule also known as Nakamoto consensus.

    Start here:. Here are some good resources. Source and slides here. There are also other blockchain implementations you can find, written in various programming languages. You should also by now have enough background that you should be able to read and understand the original Bitcoin whitepaper.

    To understand the economics and mechanics of Bitcoin mining, I recommend watching the lecture on Bitcoin mining in the Bitcoin and Cryptocurrencies Princeton course. You should also be able to play around with a Bitcoin block explorer and navigate raw Bitcoin transactions. Now is a good time to study up on the history of Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies.

    The below video, offered by a UC Berkeley Decal, gives a good overview. You understand how blockchains and proof-of-work can achieve distributed, Byzantine fault-tolerant consensus within a peer-to-peer network. But a payments network is just one application you can run atop such a blockchain. In , Vitalik Buterin, the creator of Ethereum asked: what if you used a blockchain to implement a decentralized computer? In Ethereum, you pay miners to execute your programs on this distributed virtual machine.

    This means you can perform arbitrary computations, using a Turing-complete programming language unlike Bitcoin script. This brings us to smart contracts — the name for programs that run on such a virtual machine. In other words, you can create financial contracts that automatically enforce themselves.

    Ethereum has enabled the wave of ICOs and developers building atop the blockchain. It is the second largest cryptocurrency behind Bitcoin, it has more than 10x the developers of the next most popular platform, it has the strongest developer team, the most mature tooling, and the majority of ICOs and projects atop it. It also has the most industry support , which goes a long way. The ideas behind Ethereum have also spawned a wave of innovation in cryptoeconomics.

    You should dip your toes into the ideas around DAOs , and all of the sci-fi fever dreams that they hint at. As with any technology, the best way to get acquainted with Ethereum is by building a few small projects. The dominant programming language for Ethereum is Solidity, which is a statically typed JavaScript-esque language. To get your first exposure to Solidity development, I recommend working through all of the CryptoZombies tutorial.

    I recommend this guide as a first tutorial to walk you through the process. This tutorial does a good job of walking you through an end-to-end blockchain stack and explaining the pieces as they go along. Karl Floersch has a great tutorial where he walks through how to build a secure commit-reveal voting system.

    Great, now for your mid-term exam: build a secure coin toss game, where two players can securely bet on the coin flip. No tutorial this time, do it on your own. Think about possible attacks — how can the players cheat?

    Can you ensure that they play honestly? Here are some hints. Security is absolutely essential to blockchain development. Smart contracts have been plagued by disastrous hacks, including the DAO hack , the Parity Wallet hack , and the affectionately named Parity Wallet hack 2 now with its own T-shirt. The truth is, smart contracts are extremely hard to get right. Though the programming toolchain will improve to make these exact attacks harder, they were ultimately all due to programmer error.

    There are also many subtler bugs that arise from smart contract programming, such as in frontrunning or secure generation of randomness. As a smart contract developer, you must treat security as paramount. That means any code that handles significant flows of money should be run through static analyzers like Oyente or Securify , tested thoroughly, and then audited by an experienced smart contract auditor.

    To strengthen your security chops, I recommend working through The Ethernaut by OpenZeppelin, a game where you find and attack vulnerabilities in smart contracts. Many of them have you replicate real attacks against smart contracts that have occurred in the wild. Phil Daian also has an excellent set of smart contract hacking challenges called Hack This Contract. Expect to revisit this document many times over in your smart contract programming career. The bibliography is also worth exploring for further reading by security experts.

    Most developers recommend VSCode or Atom for your text editor, since they have decent Solidity plugins. Now is a good time to look into IPFS , which you can use as a fully decentralized filestore at much cheaper cost than the Ethereum blockchain.

    Your engagement will not only sharpen your skill sets, but it brings visibility from potential employers seeking such skills, and doors will open for you for more rewarding opportunities. Professional associations, such as ISACA, also publish white papers, books, journal articles and blog content around the latest developments in blockchain that can be helpful as part of your continuing education.

    As with financial services, the size of the market cap offers insights to the demands for various technical skills that typically support these industries. So for now mainly fintech and finance, but in the future we will see a range of other sectors to delve in as well. Click here to cancel reply. Name required. Email will not be published required. All rights reserved. Use of this site is subject to certain Terms and Conditions. The problem is, Solidity is inefficient, and unsafe.

    Download Now. Your email address will not be published. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. The student should be familiar with basic programming constructs The terminal in whichever operating system they choose to use Description Smart Contracts? What tools and libraries are used? Why not Solidity? Who is the target audience? Programmers looking to leverage blockchain technology for advanced apps.

    Engineers who want to understand EOS and how to build dApps with it. Admin Send an email April 4, 0 6, 3 minutes read.

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    If you actually end up contributing to Bitcoin, it will give you credentials to work on almost any other project in the blockchain industry. Giovanni Casinelli, the founder and owner of a blockchain jobs site CryptoJobs. A deep understanding of distributed ledger protocols is among the most desired skills for blockchain developers. So learn about it if you want to get a job in the industry. If you are not sure where to start, you can consult the learning resources list curated by CryptoJobs.

    After acquiring the relevant skills, try to build your own application to get hands-on experience with blockchain development. The application should showcase your understanding of the blockchain. It can be something like a decentralized voting system, and Ethereum has a pretty useful guide on building such an app. Below you will find a comprehensive list of resources for learning Ethereum compiled by Xanesghost , an active contributor to blockchain-related threads on Reddit. It is possible to find a job in the blockchain industry in specialized startups or big tech firms.

    The most common options: startups, tech firms, banks, private sector firms, government services, professional services firms e. As the blockchain industry is booming, specialized job sites that aggregate vacancies in the blockchain emerge. One of them is BlockchainJobz , which currently has more than 1, open positions advertised. It will certainly be easier for you to land a job in the blockchain if you have relevant experience. Try contributing to open-source projects for starters.

    If you have years of experience in web development, it would be worthwhile to get some blockchain-related certifications to increase your chances of finding a job in the industry.

    You can get certified in Hyperledger Platform, for instance. The Gitcoin project aims to push open source forward by attaching bounties in Ether for solving GitHub issues. All you have to do is solve a problem on GitHub, and if the bounty submitter approves it, you will be paid in Ether via smart contract.

    OpenZeppelin allows the launching Ethereum tokens with just a few lines of code. So even inexperienced developers can do it! But to raise money through an ICO, your startup should have some value. DApps are expected to see tremendous growth in the coming years, similar to the mobile apps with the spread of smartphones.

    The basic package of creating a dApp involves being able to write contracts, and then something that can communicate with them. I'm going to assume that the something that communicates with the contracts, be it a frontend, API, or whatever, is written in JavaScript. There are tons of libraries out there, I think most fairly mainstream languages have libraries for communicating with Ethereum, but I know the most about JS's ecosystem.

    It's worth mentioning that you can make a dApp without coding a single contract. You can build on other people's contracts - that's part of what being a public blockchain is. Do you want to build an alternative frontend for Uniswap? Uniswap can't stop you. They may have some trademarks, so no, you can't make a frontend for Uniswap and then say you are legit the Uniswap team, but you can say 'hey!

    Still, building for Ethereum usually assumes at least general knowledge of smart contract development. It'll be hard to make an interface with the Uniswap contracts if you don't understand what you're looking at when you look at their contracts. Solidity is the language to start with in terms of smart contracts. Vyper is a super cool language, I even have a PR in it largely meaningless, I'm the one who implemented the decision to move to f-strings wherever possible in their codebase, if you know Python , but it's not where you start.

    There's a larger community around Solidity, meaning more resources, and more people to reach out to when you're stuck. Cryptozombies is still probably the best tool for diving into Solidity, even though I don't think it's actively maintained. It's a tutorial where you make a Cryptokitties-like game. For the record, there is a game-building tutorial which is a bit of a work in progress for Vyper here.

    I actually find Solidity's documentation to be quite readable, even though I usually have a mental block around documentation. Looking at you, Python. I especially find the "Solidity by Example" section to be useful in seeing what different elements of Solidity look like when implemented.

    I think the Vim package got a new maintainer, which it desperately needed, and I don't know anything about Emacs support, but I'm sure there's at least something for it. One last point: there are a lot of general purpose contracts that you should never write yourself, except for educational purposes. You should be taken an audited, reliable, open-source boilerplate and building on it, not building it from the ground up. The gold standard is Open Zeppelin. The repository for their contracts are here , and they have their own npm package.

    The next thing to discuss after Solidity itself is sandboxes for playing around with contracts. Let's say you've written a contract, and you want to test it out, see if it works. How do you do that? You're right if you think that you aren't supposed to deploy every Hello World and draft contract to mainnet.

    Even though there are testnets maintained Ethereum blockchain where the social contract is that the native ETH is worthless, and is not transferable to other chains , the general workflow doesn't go straight to testnets either. Instead, there are dev chains, virtual chains you can spin up on your machine as needed. That helps you see if your contract is compiling, and lets you test the contract's functions and variables to see if they work as intended. There are limitations to dev chains - one easy example is that if you're building something that interacts with DAI, it'll mean deploying a clone of Maker DAI to your dev chain every time you spin it up, in addition to deploying your own contracts.

    It is still a great first step. Just to clarify, a traditional deployment contains the following steps. First, the contracts need to be compiled. These are used in development quite a bit. Then there is the actual deployment, sending the bytecode of a contract to the chain in a transaction. In order to interact with a contract, you need to know its location on a chain the contract address , and you need its ABI.

    Etherscan is a valuable tool for getting information on contracts on-chain. For example, if you know a contract address, but don't know it's ABI, oftentimes Etherscan will have it, or be able to figure it out decompile the bytecode.

    Once you've deployed, how is your contract going to be interacted with? There may be some cases where just having a contract on-chain is enough, and anyone interacting can be expected to use something like Remix in order to interact with it, but usually not.

    I'm going to start with assuming that there is some kind of GUI in your project. If this is the case, you're going to want a framework. A blockchain framework will integrate your contracts into a frontend project, compiling your contracts into JSONs that can be understood by the frontend with proper tools, more on that later , providing the ability to spin up dev chains, and to deploy contracts.

    It has more than 7M developers in the industry and is used for building secure and effective enterprise solutions in Blockchain domain. A clear evidence of which is Aergo. Erlang is another top Blockchain coding language you must consider for a brighter future ahead.

    The language, though less popular than reputed names like Java, JavaScript, and Python, serves Blockchain development companies with options like Something that makes it the right choice for building peer-to-peer networks in a Blockchain environment.

    Rholang is yet another impressive addition in the list of Blockchain programming languages. It also assess the whole app as a series of functions which are then solved in a sequential manner. Because of this, it is a favorite of developers when they wish to build a high-level project like Smart Contracts.

    CX has also entered the list of top Blockchain programming languages. The language has the potential to work as a contractual digital intermediary, and comes loaded with features like simple error control process, and opportunity to use propelled cuts, pointers, and arrays. It also assembles over Go and give users an escape from executing discretionary codes, which has been a critical issue for present day businesses. So, these were some of the programming languages that can be considered for entering the Blockchain world and make the best of the flourishing opportunity.

    These languages, as already covered in this article, holds different potential and thus, can be used for building different forms of Blockchain and cryptocurrency-based solutions. It implies that you must know which language is best for what type of Blockchain development and eventually, polish your skills in the same. Now, while learning through online tutorials and training programs is a good effort to be well-versed with its theoretical concepts, if you wish to do some practical stuff under the shade of a reputed Blockchain development company , connect our recruitment team for an internship opportunity today.

    Yes, blockchain developers are highly in demand. When it comes to the number of Blockchain jobs in the market, there are more than 4, and 5, Blockchain job listings on LinkedIn and Glassdoor, respectively. Though the answer to this question is too vast, let us summarize in a few basic pointers Ethereum, which is currently in its 2. There are a heap of programming languages that can be used for Blockchain development.

    Lab appinventiv Startups How To Guides. Search for:. Blockchain Development. By Chirag Bhardwaj. October 7, 2. Facebook 0 Tweet 0 Pin 0 LinkedIn 0. Resource Management In the Blockchain arena, it is imperative for developers to ensure that they are familiar with real-time network demands and that they are well-versed with opportunities to handle remote and local queries. Isolation Another issue faced by Blockchain developers is that all the hash functions operate in a deterministic manner.

    Lower Performance Last but not least, Lower performance is also one of the challenges of Blockchain programming that developers often have to deal with. Java Java, the official language of Android mobile app development and a preferred option for backend development, is also considered a great programming language used for Blockchain development.

    The language is derived from C-syntax and is widely chosen for building sophisticated Smart contracts and dApps because of its following properties:- Robust support for OOP Object-Oriented Programming methodology, Ease of memory cleaning, Availability of ample of libraries. Some of those features and functionalities are:- Easy to learn, Access to dynamic architecture, Perfect for both base and scripting approaches, Open-source support, Efficient for Prototyping, etc.

    JavaScript Considered for a wide range of app and game development needs, JavaScript is also one of the best Blockchain programming languages to keep an eye on. PHP Released in , PHP Hypertext Preprocessor is another programming language that every reputed mobile app development company recommend for creating Blockchain solutions.

    C Created by Microsoft as a substitute of Java, the OOP language offer a huge number of features for enterprise-powered apps, cloud, and cross-platform development. NET frameworks, and is highly favored for Blockchain development because:- It is open source. It empowers developers to write portable code across devices. It is cost-effective to use because of BizSpark program.

    Essentially, think learning it as a way to development a bank account with code. For that we use the blockchain function. Email will not be published required. And maybe a quite simple explanation should just leave it at that. Compare the previous hash value of the new block with the hash reddit of the latest block.

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